Eyal Zur

Eyal Zur

Eyal Zur

  • ScholarshipsCommittee Member

Eyal reviews applications to the Scholarship Review Committee. His responsibility is to read scholarship applications and to dig into their details, then to evaluate and give feedback on their quality and compatibility with the vision of KF.

Eyal was born and raised in Israel. As part of a few years of compulsory army service, he trained as a paramedic and served in both civil and army settings. He received a BA and studied for one year toward an MA in psychology, and took a few courses in Buddhist Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. In 2022-23, he worked for the Buddhist Studies department, which is funded by KF, and helped to organize international conferences on topics such as Abhidharma and Tibetan Buddhism.

After a few years of studying and practicing Hatha Yoga, I was fortunate to meet Rinpoche in Bodhgaya during the Siddhartha’s Intent festival in 2018. Since the end of the COVID pandemic I have spent most of my time in India and Nepal. These days I enthusiastically study Tibetan language and philosophy in Kathmandu.