Commentary on Parting from the Four Attachments
Books2012“From Calvin Klein to Coca-Cola, our whole culture teaches us to grasp and fixate. This message is the exact opposite message we get from the fourth benchmark which warns that if we grasp, the view is lost. But in the modern world, if you do not have grasping, you could end up poor and jobless; you could end up an outcast of society. Given this seeming conflict of interests, we need to come to terms with why it matters that grasping is antithetical to the view.”
— From Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche’s commentary on Sachen Kunga Nyingpo’s Lojong Shenpa Shidrel: The Mind-Training of Parting from the Four Attachments. The commentary was given at the International Buddhist Academy, Nepal, in 2009.

“From Calvin Klein to Coca-Cola, our whole culture teaches us to grasp and fixate. This message is the exact opposite message we get from the fourth benchmark which warns that if we grasp, the view is lost. But in the modern world, if you do not have grasping, you could end up poor and jobless; you could end up an outcast of society. Given this seeming conflict of interests, we need to come to terms with why it matters that grasping is antithetical to the view.”
— From Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche’s commentary on Sachen Kunga Nyingpo’s Lojong Shenpa Shidrel: The Mind-Training of Parting from the Four Attachments. The commentary was given at the International Buddhist Academy, Nepal, in 2009.