Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Buddhist Studies
The Khyentse Foundation Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Buddhist Studies is given annually to the author of a doctoral dissertation in the field of Buddhist studies, defended during the previous 2 academic years. The dissertation must be based on original research in the relevant primary language or languages and should significantly advance the understanding of the subject or Buddhist texts studied.
The award, which carries a US$8,000 prize, is traditionally granted for Asian and European dissertations in alternate years. Starting in 2021, a new zone was added for the Asian dissertation award. The new Southeast Asia and Pacific zone includes the following regions: Cambodia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Laos, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, and New Zealand. These are in addition to the original Asian regions of mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. For more information, contact the dissertation award coordinator.

Nils Martin
"The Wanla Group of Monuments: 14th-Century Tibetan Buddhist Murals in Ladakh"
Eng Jin Ooi
"Transmission of the Milindapañha with a Comparative Analysis of the Siamese Recensions"
Yael Shiri
"The Śākyas in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya as a Trope of Buddhist Self-Representation in Dialogue with the Religious “Other.”"
Mingyuan Gao
"The Buddhist Concept of Vāsanā: From Abhidharma to Early Yogācāra"
Su-an Lin
"Dependent-Arising, Two Truths and Logic in Bhāviveka’s Philosophy: Focusing on Chapter One of Prajñāpradīpa and Jewels in the Hand"
Cécile Ducher
"A Lineage in Time: The Vicissitudes of the rNgog pa bka’ brgyud from the 11th through 19th centuries"
Wenli Fan
"Action and Its Results: A Study Based on Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla"
Christopher V. Jones
"The use of, and controversy surrounding, the term atman in the Indian Buddhist tathagatagarbha literature."
Mao Yufan
"A Debate on the Reality of External Objects in Late Indian Buddhist Philosophy."
Dr. Jens Wilhelm Borgland
"A Study of the Adhikaranavastu: Legal Settlement Procedures of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya"