




Xiaonan Li and Lingfeng TanSchool of Foreign Languages, Peking University and Buddha-Dharma Centre of Hong Kong



特倫特·沃克是密歇根大學亞洲語言與文化系的東南亞研究助理教授和泰國上座部佛教教授。作為東南亞佛教音樂、文學和寫本方面的專家,他發表了大量關於高棉語、老撾語、巴利語、泰語和越南語佛教文本和持誦修持的著作。自2005年以來,他一直進行柬埔寨佛教持誦訓練,經常在寺院、閉關中心和大學發表演講。 直至涅槃時:來自柬埔寨的佛教之歌(Until Nirvana’s Time: Buddhist Songs from Cambodia)——首部譯成英文的傳統高棉佛教詩歌集——翻譯了45首高棉法頌,這些頌歌以高昂的旋律啓發了一代又一代的柬埔寨佛教社群。這本書以16世紀至20世紀的詩歌為重點,立足於作者對柬埔寨口頭與書面傳統的15年深入研究。這些詩歌至今仍然在日常祈禱或通宵儀式中吟誦。其中的許多文本是由譯者從盒式磁帶或樹皮紙寫本中抄錄下來,首次以印刷的形式呈現於這部合集中。和譯文一起呈現的論文與注釋,將這些當地區域性的創作置於一個更廣博的佛教背景下進行研究。 由五人組成的欽哲基金會翻譯獎評選委員會一致通過了委員會成員娜塔莉亞·古美(Natalie Gummer)教授對於《直至涅槃時》的年度獎項提名。關於這個提名,古美博士寫道:「《直至涅槃時》是一部開創性的譯著,它不僅首次以英文廣泛呈現了柬埔寨佛教文學中扣人心弦的一面,亦從創作和運用的角度,展現了這些詩歌的聲樂特性,並為它們的佛教背景和儀式持誦提供了豐富的背景信息。特倫特·沃克為旨在捕捉表演性文本力量的譯著設定了一個新標準。」 這本書是 2023 年一月欽哲基金會古德曼佛學講座的主題。


特伦特·沃克是密歇根大学亚洲语言与文化系的东南亚研究助理教授和泰国上座部佛教教授。作为东南亚佛教音乐、文学和写本方面的专家,他发表了大量关于高棉语、老挝语、巴利语、泰语和越南语佛教文本和持诵修持的著作。自2005年以来,他一直进行柬埔寨佛教持诵训练,经常在寺院、闭关中心和大学发表演讲。 《直至涅槃时:来自柬埔寨的佛教之歌(Until Nirvana’s Time: Buddhist Songs from Cambodia)》——首部译成英文的传统高棉佛教诗歌集——翻译了45首高棉法颂,这些颂歌以高昂的旋律启发了一代又一代的柬埔寨佛教社群。这本书以16世纪至20世纪的诗歌为重点,立足于作者对柬埔寨口头与书面传统的15年深入研究。这些诗歌至今仍然在日常祈祷或通宵仪式中吟诵。其中的许多文本是由译者从盒式磁带或树皮纸写本中抄录下来,首次以印刷的形式呈现于这部合集中。和译文一起呈现的论文与注释,将这些当地区域性的创作置于一个更广博的佛教背景下进行研究。 由五人组成的钦哲基金会翻译奖评选委员会一致通过了委员会成员娜塔莉亞·古美(Natalie Gummer)教授对于《直至涅槃时》的年度奖项提名。关于这个提名,古美博士写道:“《直至涅槃时》是一部开创性的译著,它不仅首次以英文广泛呈现了柬埔寨佛教文学中扣人心弦的一面,亦从创作和运用的角度,展现了这些诗歌的声乐特性,并为它们的佛教背景和仪式持诵提供了丰富的背景信息。特伦特·沃克为旨在捕捉表演性文本力量的译著设定了一个新标准。” 这本书是 2023 年一月钦哲基金会古德曼佛学讲座的主题。

Trent WalkerUniversity of Michigan

Trent Walker is assistant professor of Southeast Asian studies and Thai Professor of Theravada Buddhism in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan. A specialist in Southeast Asian Buddhist music, literature, and manuscripts, he has published widely on Khmer, Lao, Pali, Thai, and Vietnamese Buddhist texts and recitation practices. He has trained in Cambodian Buddhist chant since 2005 and is a regular speaker at temples, retreat centers, and universities.

Until Nirvana’s Time—the first collection of traditional Khmer Buddhist poetry available in English—presents translations of 45 Khmer dharma songs whose soaring melodies have inspired Cambodian Buddhist communities for generations. Grounded in 15 years of research on oral and written traditions in Cambodia, the book centers on a corpus of poems from the 16th to 20th centuries that are still chanted today in daily prayers or all-night rituals. Many of these texts were transcribed by the translator from cassette tapes or bark-paper manuscripts and appear in print for the first time in this volume. Essays and notes that situate these local compositions within a broader Buddhist context accompany the translations.

KF’s five-member selection committee unanimously approved Professor Natalie Gummer’s nomination of Until Nirvana’s Time for this year’s award. Of her choice, Dr. Gummer writes: “Until Nirvana’s Time is a groundbreaking translation. Not only does it make a fascinating part of Cambodian Buddhist literature widely available for the first time in English, but it also renders the vocal qualities of these songs, in consonance with their composition and use, and offers rich context for their Buddhist background and their ritual recitation. Trent Walker sets a new standard for translations that aim to capture the power of performative texts.”

The book was the focus of a Khyentse Foundation Goodman Lecture in 2023.


施瑞的論文聚焦在成書於公元2-5世紀之間的《根本說一切有部毘奈耶》中所傳承的故事。根本說一切有部曾是古印度最具影響力的部派之一,它於公元13世紀在印度本土消亡。該部派的律藏(毘奈耶)卷帙浩繁,目前尚未有任何完整的西方語言譯本。通過運用敘事學與文獻學的方法論對這些故事進行分析並輔以物證,此論文旨在針對這些故事如何反映出該律藏編纂者/作者的歷史境遇提出了新的闡述。正如該論文所指出的,那些僧侶作者們一直都在與其他宗教團體進行對話,其中最主要的是婆羅門。這些故事中所反映的婆羅門並非真實的歷史存在,而是佛教對欲求往生上界和渴望男性繼承者的一群人的刻畫。 該論文不僅主要關注於《根本說一切有部毘奈耶破僧事》中一系列關於出生的故事,還利用了該律藏中的其餘部分,以及諸如阿毘達磨、阿含經等諸不同體裁的資料和其他部派的文獻。由於以宗教「他者」為題,這部論文也偶爾使用了非佛教的文獻,諸如所謂的婆羅門教法典與諸印度史詩等。 論文獎委員會評價說:「雅爾·施瑞的博士論文考察了特別是在『根本說一切有部毘奈耶破僧事』中關於釋迦種族(即『歷史上的』釋迦牟尼佛的氏族)的敘事傳統的產生與轉變。施瑞認為,這些傳統可以被解讀為對諸多問題的不同理解——包括什麼是佛陀、佛陀與僧伽的關係、確立或支撐僧伽之權威的模式、在適用於人和佛時王族的主題與象征、婆羅門教作為一個重要的宗教『他者』與佛教的論爭關係及其合理性問題、作為文本成立之背景——尤其是西北印度貴霜王朝——的社會政治現實元素。」 委員會亦對該論文的下述方面印象深刻:作者對材料和主題的選取精當,並關涉到佛教部派史中幾個重要的問題。其中心論點論證嚴密,並且切實入理地關聯到在文獻學的學科邊界外、遠至人類學的一些明晰而又恰切的重要基本主題,例如權威、權力、與宗教他者的交涉等等。作者旁征博引並深入理解了大量最優質的二手學術研究資料,而且能夠對之加以有效利用。就方法論而言,其研究不僅展現出傑出的文獻學能力、對原文的充分把握與方法的善用,而且超越了文獻學而臻於跨學科研究的領域,特別是作者敏銳而有力地運用了藝術-歷史證據補充了文獻記錄。


施瑞的论文聚焦在成书于公元2-5世纪之间的《根本说一切有部毗奈耶》中所传承的故事。根本说一切有部曾是古印度最具影响力的部派之一,它于公元13世纪在印度本土消亡。该部派的律藏(毗奈耶)卷帙浩繁,目前尚未有任何完整的西方语言译本。通过运用叙事学与文献学的方法论对这些故事进行分析并辅以物证,此论文旨在针对这些故事如何反映出该律藏编纂者/作者的历史境遇提出了新的阐述。正如该论文所指出的,那些僧侣作者们一直都在与其它宗教团体进行对话,其中最主要的是婆罗门。这些故事中所反映的婆罗门并非真实的历史存在,而是佛教对欲求往生上界和渴望男性继承者的一群人的刻画。 该论文不仅主要关注于《根本说一切有部毗奈耶破僧事》中一系列关于出生的故事,还利用了该律藏中的其余部分,以及诸如阿毗达磨、阿含经等诸不同体裁的资料和其它部派的文献。由于以宗教「他者」为题,这部论文也偶尔使用了非佛教的文献,诸如所谓的婆罗门教法典与诸印度史诗等。 论文奖委员会评价说:“雅尔·施瑞的博士论文考察了特别是在《根本说一切有部毗奈耶破僧事》中关于释迦种族(即‘历史上的’释迦牟尼佛的氏族)的叙事传统的产生与转变。施瑞认为,这些传统可以被解读为对诸多问题的不同理解——包括什麽是佛陀、佛陀与僧伽的关系、确立或支撑僧伽之权威的模式、在适用于人和佛时王族的主题与象征、婆罗门教作为一个重要的宗教‘他者’与佛教的论争关系及其合理性问题、作为文本成立之背景——尤其是西北印度贵霜王朝——的社会政治现实元素。” 委员会亦对该论文的下述方面印象深刻:作者对材料和主题的选取精当,并关涉到佛教部派史中几个重要的问题。其中心论点论证严密,并且切实入理地关联到在文献学的学科边界外、远至人类学的一些明晰而又恰切的重要基本主题,例如权威、权力、与宗教他者的交涉等等。作者旁征博引并深入理解了大量最优质的二手学术研究资料,而且能够对之加以有效利用。就方法论而言,其研究不仅展现出杰出的文献学能力、对原文的充分把握与方法的善用,而且超越了文献学而臻于跨学科研究的领域,特别是作者敏锐而有力地运用了艺术-历史证据补充了文献记录。

Yael ShiriSOAS University of London

Shiri’s dissertation focuses on stories that are transmitted in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya (MSV), composed between the 2nd and 5th centuries CE. The Mūlasarvāstivāda nikāya, which was one of the most influential Buddhist school in ancient India, disappeared from its native land in the 13th century. Its vinaya, which is an enormous and unwieldy text, is not available in its entirety in any Western language. By analysing such accounts, using narratological and philological methods, and in light of visual materials, Shiri aims to shed new light on the way in which these accounts reflect the historical circumstances of their authors and compilers. As her dissertation demonstrates, these monastic authors were in constant dialogue with other religious communities, predominantly brāhmaṇas. Rather than actual historical entities, the brāhmaṇas reflected in these stories are a Buddhist caricature of a group preoccupied mainly with issues of high birth and the aspiration for male heirs.

Although the dissertation focuses primarily on the cycle of birth-stories in the Saṅghabhedavastu of the MSV, it also draws on other parts of this vinaya as well as different Buddhist genres such as abhidharma treatises, sūtra literature, and the writings of other Buddhist schools. Because this dissertation addresses the religious “other,” it occasionally draws also from non-Buddhist sources such as the so-called Brahmanical dharma literature and the Indian Epics.

The award committee wrote that “The doctoral dissertation of Yael Shiri examines the emergence and transformation of narrative traditions regarding the Śākya clan (the clan of the ‘historical’ Buddha Śākyamuni), especially in the Saṅghabhedavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya. Shiri argues that these traditions can be interpreted as reflecting understandings of the nature of the Buddha; his relation to the monastic community (the Saṅgha) and modes in which the authority of the Saṅgha is legitimated or buttressed; the motif and symbolism of royalty in application to the person and nature of the Buddha; relations of contestation and problems of legitimation in relation to Brahmanism as an important religious ‘Other’; and elements of the social and political realities that served as backdrop for the formation of the texts, especially in the Northwest under the Kuṣāṇas.”

The committee was impressed by this work in several respects: “The selection of topic and materials shows acumen and addresses several weighty issues in the history of Buddhist traditions. The central argument is cogent. The argument also reflects substantive, no-nonsense engagement with important basic themes that are intelligible and pertinent across disciplinary boundaries beyond philology, as far afield as anthropology; for example, such as authority, power, and negotiation with religious others. The author demonstrates a broad knowledge and penetrating understanding of an impressive range of the most excellent secondary scholarship, and uses it to good effect. In methodological terms, the work demonstrates excellent philological acumen and sound control of primary texts and fine method; and it also reaches beyond philology and achieves interdisciplinary scope, especially in its perceptive and solid use of art-historical evidence complementing the textual record.”


瑪希敦大學人文學系系主任Pagorn Singsuriya副教授在他的推薦信內寫道:「永仁的論文是根據巴利文文本所作的甚具原創性的研究成果;它大大增進了人們對佛經的理解,同時也是首個針對特定巴利文文本所做的比較分析。這篇論文對於巴利文文學史、古文書學和倫理學研究作出了巨大的貢獻。」 論文獎委員會的結論可集中反映於下述評審摘錄中:「這篇文章建基於廣泛而深入的研究,絶對值得修訂後出版。作者對《彌蘭王問經》的暹羅文本傳統作出了原創性和細緻的分析,同呈現了這部經跨越東南亞、斯里蘭卡、印度和中國的廣泛語境。它不單是首個詳細描述了《彌蘭王問經》暹羅增廣本和巴利聖典協會羅馬字本之間截然不同之處的研究,同時還以真憑實據展現了暹羅增廣本是如何通過對十六至十八世紀期間以寫本形式反映出的不同文本譜係進行融合而發展成形的。」 永仁和我們分享他的獲獎感受:「能夠成為本年度欽哲基金會傑出佛學博士論文獎的得主,我感到十分榮幸和感恩。我衷心感謝我的指導老師彼得‧史基林教授,仰仗他的博學以及無私的奉獻,我才得以在東南亞佛教、寫本傳統和文本研究等縱橫交貫的領域中航行。對於他循循善誘鼓勵我做學術研究,我感激不已。我還要感謝我的另外兩位指導師Giuliano Giustarini 博士和張本研吾助理教授給我的寶貴支持和建言、瑪希敦大學的學術團隊一路上的支援、欽哲基金會論文獎委員會對我的研究的認可、家人和朋友的支持,更要感謝欽哲基金會成全這件美事。這個奬項鼓勵和啟發我繼續努力,了解佛教的文本傳播和歷史,並在此研究領域作出貢獻。」


玛希敦大学人文学系系主任Pagorn Singsuriya副教授在他的推荐信内写道:“永仁的论文是根据巴利文文本所作的甚具原创性的研究成果;它大大增进了人们对佛经的理解,同时也是首个针对特定巴利文文本所做的比较分析。这篇论文对于巴利文文学史、古文书学和伦理学研究作出了巨大的贡献。” 论文奖委员会的结论可集中反映于下述评审摘录中:“这篇文章建基于广泛而深入的研究,绝对值得修订后出版。作者对《弥兰王问经》的暹罗文本传统作出了原创性和细致的分析,同时呈现了这部经跨越东南亚、斯里兰卡、印度和中国的广泛语境。它不单是首个详细描述了《弥兰王问经》暹罗增广本和巴利圣典协会罗马字本之间截然不同之处的研究,同时还以真凭实据展现了暹罗增广本是如何通过对十六至十八世纪期间以写本形式反映出的不同文本谱系进行融合而发展成形的。” 永仁和我们分享他的获奖感受:“能够成为本年度钦哲基金会杰出佛学博士论文奖的得主,我感到十分荣幸和感恩。我衷心感谢我的指导老师彼得‧史基林教授,仰仗他的博学以及无私的奉献,我才得以在东南亚佛教、写本传统和文本研究等纵横交贯的领域中航行。对于他循循善诱鼓励我做学术研究,我感激不已。我还要感谢我的另外两位指导师Giuliano Giustarini 博士和张本研吾助理教授给我的宝贵支持和建言、玛希敦大学的学术团队一路上的支援、钦哲基金会论文奖委员会对我的研究的认可、家人和朋友的支持,更要感谢钦哲基金会成全这件美事。这个奖项鼓励和启发我继续努力,了解佛教的文本传播和历史,并在此研究领域作出贡献。”

Eng Jin OoiMahidol University

In his letter of recommendation, Associate Professor Pagorn Singsuriya, head of the Department of Humanities, wrote, “Eng Jin’s thesis is a product of original research in the Pāli language and it significantly advances the understanding of scriptures. This is also the first time such comparative studies have been done on any particular Pāli text. The work has contributed immensely to the history of Pāli literature, codicology, and ethics.”

The KF Dissertation Award Asia Committee echoes Dr. Singsuriya with this excerpt from a reviewer’s report. “This extensive and well-researched article certainly merits publication after some revisions. The author has provided an original, meticulously presented analysis of the Siamese textual tradition of the Milindapañha, along with its broader context in Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, India, and China. The result is [the] first substantial piece of research to not only describe in detail the ways in which printed Siamese recension of the Milindapañha differs so stridently from the Pali Text Society’s Romanised edition, but also to provide a well-evidenced account of how this recension developed through the combination of various textual lineages found in manuscript form between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries.”

Eng Jin shared with us his thoughts on receiving the award. “I am indeed honored and grateful to be selected as the recipient of this year’s Khyentse Foundation Dissertation Award. It’s a pleasure to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Peter Skilling, whose vast expertise and selfless efforts have helped me navigate the intricate terrain of South East Asia Buddhism, manuscripts traditions, and textual studies. I am indebted to him for his patience in encouraging me in academic research. I am deeply indebted to my primary supervisor Dr. Giuliano Giustarini and my secondary supervisor Assistant Professor Kengo Harimoto for their invaluable support and advice, to the academic team at Mahidol University who has supported me along my journey, to the selection committee for recognizing my work, to my family and friends, and to Khyentse Foundation for making this possible. This award encourages and inspires me to continue my efforts to understand and contribute to the field of Buddhist textual transmission and history.”


本會頒贈三萬美元,以示表彰唯悟法師對佛教教育的寶貴貢獻和所開展的諸多菩薩行,感謝唯悟法師席不暇暖、念茲在茲地為保存和弘揚佛陀教言及其普及實踐所做的努力。 唯悟法師對獲獎表示感謝,他說:「獲頒欽哲基金會的終身成就獎,我既感到非常榮幸卻又受之有愧。 我和檀香寺和檀香基金會以及國際佛教大學的成員共同分享這項榮譽。 他們也隨喜欽哲基金會為弘揚佛法做出的重大貢獻。」 在全球正歷經各種健康、氣候、經濟和政治動蕩之際,我們比以往更需要如唯悟法師般的菩薩。 我們藉此機會正式表彰唯悟法師的不懈努力,並祈願他寶貴的利生事業持續興盛,造福所有眾生。


本会颁赠三万美元,以示表彰唯悟法师对佛教教育的宝贵贡献和所开展的诸多菩萨行,感谢唯悟法师席不暇暖、念兹在兹地为保存和弘扬佛陀教言及其普及实践所做的努力。 唯悟法师对获奖表示感谢,他说:“获颁钦哲基金会的终身成就奖,我既感到非常荣幸却又受之有愧。 我和檀香寺和檀香基金会以及国际佛教大学的成员共同分享这项荣誉。 他们也随喜钦哲基金会为弘扬佛法做出的重大贡献。” 在全球正历经各种健康、气候、经济和政治动荡之际,我们比以往更需要如唯悟法师般的菩萨。 我们借此机会正式表彰唯悟法师的不懈努力,并祈愿他宝贵的利生事业持续兴盛,造福所有众生。

Venerable Wei WuThan Hsiang Temple / Foundation in Malaysia and International Buddhist College in Thailand

As an expression of our gratitude for Ven. Wei Wu’s unceasing work and his dedication and devotion to preserving and promoting the Buddha’s teachings and their applications in the world, Khyentse Foundation offers him an award of US$30,000. In expressing his gratitude for the award, Ven. Wei Wu said, "I feel very honored and humbled to receive this fellowship from Khyentse Foundation. I share this honor with the members of Than Hsiang Temple/Foundation and International Buddhist College. They also rejoice in the great contribution of Khyentse Foundation for the promotion of buddhadharma." At a time when the entire world is going through all kinds of health, climate, economic, and political upheavals, we need bodhisattvas like Venerable Wei Wu more than ever before. We take this opportunity to officially acknowledge him for all his hard work, and we pray for his valuable efforts to continue and to flourish for the benefit of all sentient beings.


路易斯·戈麦斯教授(1943–2017) 著名佛教學者路易斯·戈麥斯教授於2017年9月3日在墨西哥城去世。去世前,他是密歇根大學(University of Michigan)亞洲語言與文化系的榮修教授。他於2009年1月1日退休。 路易斯在佛教方面的學術研究涵蓋了他職業生涯中一系列重要主題,包括印度佛教、藏傳佛教、漢傳佛教和泛亞洲佛教,他著重於大乘佛教的文獻與宗教視野。他就早期中國禪宗與藏傳佛教史上「桑耶論諍」所涉及的「頓漸之別」的問題寫過許多突破性的文章。在他的著作中,《極樂世界:無量光佛的淨土》(檀香山:夏威夷大學出版社,1996年)被認為是關於《阿彌陀經》與《無量壽經》這兩部極具影響的佛經的權威性研究。此外,他還出版了大量西班牙語的著作。 保羅·哈里森(何離巽)教授 保羅·哈里森現為斯坦福大學喬治·埃德溫·伯奈爾宗教研究教授,他自2006年起一直任教於該校。他在其出生的新西蘭以及澳大利亞獲得學位,專攻佛教文獻和歷史——尤其是大乘佛教——以及梵、漢、藏語的佛教寫本。他已編輯翻譯了多部大乘佛經,並且發表過多篇關於佛教經典及其解讀的期刊文章。哈里森教授也是「史柯源收藏(Schøyen Collection)佛教寫本」系列的編輯之一。 目前,保羅正在進行的研究項目主要是大乘佛教和部派佛教經論的校勘、翻譯和研究,包括《金剛經》、《內藏百寶經》(Lokānuvartana)以及《學處集要》(Śikṣāsamucchaya)等。 保羅同時擔任斯坦福大學何氏佛學研究中心聯合主任一職。 「當21世紀初發現《維摩詰所說經》梵文寫本的消息傳出時,整個佛學研究界都為之震動。長久以來,學者們只能根據已知的這部經的漢文和藏文譯本擬構其本來的印度原語。如今,學者們終於可以參考到這部影響甚廣之經典的印度語言原文了。 因此,當保羅·哈里森與已故的路易斯·戈麥斯開始著手翻譯這一新發現的梵文文本時,這一消息立即受到了廣泛的歡迎。唯有這兩位作為大乘佛經文獻研究領軍人物的學者能勝任對這一重要經典的翻譯。這個譯本花了他們兩個人好幾年的時間,他們對每一個術語都做了商榷和辨析。在路易斯去世後,保羅獨自完成了這個項目。現在,他們共同努力的成果終於問世了。」——傑出翻譯獎評選委員會提名委員、著名佛教學者那體慧(Jan Nattier)


路易斯·戈麦斯教授 (1943–2017) 著名佛教学者路易斯·戈麦斯教授于2017年9月3日在墨西哥城去世。去世前,他是密歇根大学(University of Michigan)亚洲语言与文化系的荣修教授。他于2009年1月1日退休。 路易斯在佛教方面的学术研究涵盖了他职业生涯中一系列重要主题,包括印度佛教、藏传佛教、汉传佛教和泛亚洲佛教,他着重于大乘佛教的文献与宗教视野。他就早期中国禅宗与藏传佛教史上「桑耶论诤」所涉及的「顿渐之别」的问题写过许多突破性的文章。在他的著作中,《极乐世界:无量光佛的净土》(檀香山:夏威夷大学出版社,1996年)被认为是关于《阿弥陀经》与《无量寿经》这两部极具影响的佛经的权威性研究。此外,他还出版了大量西班牙语的著作。 保罗·哈里森(何离巽)教授 保罗·哈里森现为斯坦福大学乔治·埃德温·伯奈尔宗教研究教授,他自2006年起一直任教于该校。他在其出生的新西兰以及澳大利亚获得学位,专攻佛教文献和历史——尤其是大乘佛教——以及梵、汉、藏语的佛教写本。他已编辑翻译了多部大乘佛经,并且发表过多篇关于佛教经典及其解读的期刊文章。哈里森教授也是“史柯源收藏(Schøyen Collection)佛教写本”系列的编辑之一。 目前,保罗正在进行的研究项目主要是大乘佛教和部派佛教经论的校勘、翻译和研究,包括《金刚经》、《内藏百宝经》(Lokānuvartana)以及《学处集要》(Śikṣāsamucchaya)等。 保罗同时担任斯坦福大学何氏佛学研究中心联合主任一职。 “当21世纪初发现《维摩诘所说经》梵文写本的消息传出时,整个佛学研究界都为之震动。长久以来,学者们只能根据已知的这部经的汉文和藏文译本拟构其本来的印度原语。如今,学者们终于可以参考到这部影响甚广之经典的印度语言原文了。 因此,当保罗·哈里森与已故的路易斯·戈麦斯开始着手翻译这一新发现的梵文文本时,这一消息立即受到了广泛的欢迎。唯有这两位作为大乘佛经文献研究领军人物的学者能胜任对这一重要经典的翻译。这个译本花了他们两个人好几年的时间,他们对每一个术语都做了商榷和辨析。在路易斯去世后,保罗独自完成了这个项目。现在,他们共同努力的成果终于问世了。” ——杰出翻译奖评选委员会提名委员、著名佛教学者那体慧博士(Jan Nattier)

Professors Luis Gómez and Paul HarrisonUniversity of Michigan and Stanford University

Professor Luis Gómez (1943–2017)

A distinguished scholar of Buddhism, Luis Gómez passed away in Mexico City on September 3, 2017. At the time of his death, he was professor emeritus of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan. He had retired from the faculty on January 1, 2009.

Luis’s scholarship on Buddhism covered a remarkable range of important topics over his career, including Indian, Tibetan, Chinese, and pan-Asian Buddhism, with a particular emphasis on the literature and religious vision of the Mahayana. He wrote a number of groundbreaking articles devoted to the “sudden vs. gradual” dichotomy both in early Chinese Chan and at the Samye Debate in Tibet. Among his books, The Land of Bliss: The Paradise of the Buddha of Measureless Light (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1996) is considered the definitive study of the highly influential Buddhist scripture, the Sukhavativyuha Sutra. He also published extensively in Spanish.

Professor Paul Harrison

Paul Harrison is George Edwin Burnell Professor of Religious Studies at Stanford University, where he has taught since 2006. Educated in his native New Zealand and in Australia, he specializes in Buddhist literature and history, particularly of the Mahayana, and in the study of Buddhist manuscripts in Sanskrit, Chinese, and Tibetan. He has edited and translated several Mahayana sutras, and has published numerous journal articles on Buddhist sacred texts and their interpretation. He is also one of the editors of the series “Buddhist Manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection.”

Paul’s current projects include editions, translations, and studies of Mahayana and Mainstream Buddhist sutras and shastras, including the Vajracchedika (Diamond Sutra), Lokanuvartana (Sutra of Conformity with the World), and Shikshasamucchaya (Compendium of Training).

Paul serves as co-director of the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford.

“When word of the discovery of a Sanskrit manuscript of the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa began to circulate in the early 2000s, it sent shock waves throughout the Buddhist Studies world. Long known only in its Chinese and Tibetan translations, leaving scholars to guess what its original Indian terminology might have been, this highly influential text could now be consulted in an original Indic-language version.

“The news that Paul Harrison and the late Luis Gómez had embarked on a project to translate the newly discovered Sanskrit text was thus greeted with widespread enthusiasm. These two scholars, both leading figures in the field of Mahayana sutra literature, were uniquely qualified to produce a translation of this important text. The two worked on the translation over a period of several years, discussing and debating the rendition of every term. After Luis’s passing, Paul brought the project to completion, and the fruits of their joint labors are now available in print.” — Dr. Jan Nattier, an eminent scholar of Buddhist studies, served as this year’s nominating member on the KF Prize for Outstanding Translation committee.


馬丁的論文《旺拉遺址群:拉達克的十四世紀藏傳佛教壁畫(The Wanla Group of Monuments: 14th-Century Tibetan Buddhist Murals in Ladakh)》,撰寫於巴黎的法國高等研究實踐學院(École Pratique des Hautes Études,EPHE),並於2022年3月答辯通過,這篇論文是對西喜馬拉雅地區藝術史和佛教史的精湛貢獻。它進一步通過將其對於聖像學和風格傳統的卓越把控,與對考古年代分析(archaeometric analysis)、碑銘學、以及古典藏語文獻的第一手評估結合在一起,為彩繪遺址研究提供了一個的跨學科研究的模型。由此,它是佛學研究領域的一項傑出貢獻。 「能夠從廣受尊敬的欽哲基金會獲得這個獎項,我深感榮幸和感激。我想要特別感謝評審委員會的成員們仔細審查我的申請並最終選擇我的論文,尤其是它不屬於文本研究的歷史領域。 這個獎項是對我十多年來逐漸積累的研究成果的一份意義非凡的認可,在這十餘年里,我不僅受到導師查爾斯·蘭布爾和我的共同導師克里斯蒂安·盧贊尼茨耐心而深刻的指導,還得到了我的同事們、朋友們和家人們的持續支持。該獎項將有助於使這部論文以一種更容易被每個人——包括這些遺址的守護者——獲取的形式出版,它也在我生命的關鍵時刻,給予了我在學術界開展事業的信心。」 ——尼爾斯·馬丁 相關閱讀


马丁的论文《旺拉遗址群:拉达克的十四世纪藏传佛教壁画(The Wanla Group of Monuments: 14th-Century Tibetan Buddhist Murals in Ladakh)》,撰写于巴黎的法国高等研究实践学院(École Pratique des Hautes Études,EPHE),并于2022年3月答辩通过,这篇论文是对西喜马拉雅地区艺术史和佛教史的精湛贡献。它进一步通过将其对于圣像学和风格传统的卓越把控,与对考古年代分析(archaeometric analysis)、碑铭学、以及古典藏语文献的第一手评估结合在一起,为彩绘遗址研究提供了一个的跨学科研究的模型。由此,它是佛学研究领域的一项杰出贡献。 “能够从广受尊敬的钦哲基金会获得这个奖项,我深感荣幸和感激。我想要特别感谢评审委员会的成员们仔细审查我的申请并最终选择我的论文,尤其是它不属于文本研究的历史领域。 这个奖项是对我十多年来逐渐积累的研究成果的一份意义非凡的认可,在这十余年里,我不仅受到导师查尔斯·兰布尔和我的共同导师克里斯蒂安·卢赞尼茨耐心而深刻的指导,还得到了我的同事们、朋友们和家人们的持续支持。该奖项将有助于使这部论文以一种更容易被每个人——包括这些遗址的守护者——获取的形式出版,它也在我生命的关键时刻,给予了我在学术界开展事业的信心。” ——尼尔斯·马丁 相关阅读

Nils MartinEast Asian Civilizations Research Centre (CRCAO)

Martin’s dissertation, “The Wanla Group of Monuments: 14th-Century Tibetan Buddhist Murals in Ladakh,” prepared at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) in Paris and defended in March 2022, is a masterful contribution to the history of art and of Buddhism in the Western Himalayas. It further provides a model of interdisciplinary research on painted monuments, combining an excellent command of iconography and stylistic conventions with archaeometric analysis, epigraphy, and a firsthand assessment of literary sources in classical Tibetan. As such, it represents an outstanding contribution to Buddhist studies. “I am extremely honored and grateful to receive this award from the distinguished Khyentse Foundation. I would like to express my special thanks to the members of the jury for carefully examining my application and eventually selecting my dissertation, even more so since it lies outside the historic field of textual studies. “This award comes as a significant recognition of research developed over a decade under the patient, insightful guidance of my supervisor Charles Ramble and my co-advisor Christian Luczanits, and along with the continuous support of my colleagues, friends, and family. It will contribute to publishing it in a form that can be more easily accessed by everyone, including the caretakers of the monuments it considers. At a threshold in my life, it also gives me confidence to pursue my career in academia.” — Nils Martin Read more.



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艾瑞克翻譯出版的佛學書籍甚豐,其中為人熟識的作品包括:第一世蔣貢.康楚對蓮花生大士教言《道次第.智慧藏》所作的釋論《智慧之光》第一至五冊、 《大成就者之歌:傳承篇─祖古‧烏金仁波切靈修回憶錄》、策列‧那措‧讓卓大師的《正念明鏡:中陰成就無上密法》等。我們深深感謝他翻譯了所有這些殊勝珍貴的教法,以及他在佛學領域許多其他相關的貢獻,例如,為八萬四千·佛典傳譯擔任編輯工作,而最近更負責指導欽哲願景計畫的譯者。


艾瑞克翻译出版的佛学书籍甚丰,其中为人熟识的作品包括:第一世蒋贡.康楚对莲花生大士教言《道次第.智慧藏》所作的释论《智慧之光》第一至五册、 《大成就者之歌:传承篇─祖古‧乌金仁波切灵修回忆录》、策列‧那措‧让卓大师的《正念明镜:中阴成就无上密法》等。我们深深感谢他翻译了所有这些殊胜珍贵的教法,以及他在佛学领域许多其他相关的贡献,例如,为八万四千·佛典传译担任编辑工作,而最近更负责指导钦哲愿景计划的译者。

Erik Pema Kunsang

A prolific translator, Erik has put together numerous dharma books. Notable examples include The Light of Wisdom, volumes 1 to 5, by Padmasambhava and Jamgön Kongtrül; Blazing Splendor: The Memoirs of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; and Mirror of Mindfulness, a commentary on the bardo states by Tsele Natsok Rangdröl. We are grateful for his invaluable translation of these precious dharma texts and for his other contributions to the field, such as his editorial work for 84000 and lately, mentoring the translators for Khyentse Vision Project.





Su-an LinChengchi University of Taiwan

Su-an Lin of Chengchi University of Taiwan received 2020 KF Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Buddhist Studies. Su-an’s dissertation, Dependent-Arising, Two Truths and Logic in Bhāviveka’s Philosophy: Focusing on Chapter One of Prajñāpradīpa and Jewels in the Hand, uses the materials of the Chinese and Tibetan versions to explore Bhāviveka’s metaphysics (the theory of dependent arising and the theory of two truths). It also analyzes the method, which can be traced back to Dignāga’s logic system—of “adding the qualification from the ultimate point of view in the inference.”


香港佛法中心的高明元獲得了2020年度傑出佛學博士論文獎。他的博士論文《佛教的「習氣」概念:從阿毘達磨到早期瑜伽行派》寫作嚴謹、內容深入且富有批判性。該文討論了「習氣」一詞各種義項的沿革發展。 「鑒於迄今只有少數幾篇研究關注到這一概念,更未有專著全面研究這一問題,明元的論文無疑是一項重大的貢獻。」,法光法師在為明元寫的論文推薦信中寫道,「此論文基於充分的梵、藏、漢、巴利語原始文獻,論證詳實。其文中的一些重要引文亦是首次被譯為英文且附有大量注釋。該文還批判性地審查了大量現代學者所寫的英、日、法、中文二手文獻。」


香港佛法中心的高明元获得了2020年度杰出佛学博士论文奖。他的博士论文《佛教的“习气”概念:从阿毘达磨到早期瑜伽行派》写作严谨、内容深入且富有批判性。该文讨论了“习气”一词各种义项的沿革发展。 “鉴于迄今只有少数几篇研究关注到这一概念,更未有专著全面研究这一问题,明元的论文无疑是一项重大的贡献。”,法光法师在为明元写的论文推荐信中写道,“此论文基于充分的梵、藏、汉、巴利语原始文献,论证详实。其文中的一些重要引文亦是首次被译为英文且附有大量注释。该文还批判性地审查了大量现代学者所写的英、日、法、中文二手文献。”

Mingyuan GaoDharma Center of Hong Kong

Mingyuan Gao of the Buddha Dharma Center of Hong Kong received 2020 KF Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Buddhist Studies. Mingyuan‘s PhD dissertation, The Buddhist Concept of Vāsanā: From Abhidharma to Early Yogācāra, meticulously presents an in-depth and critical exposition of the development of various connotations of the term vāsanā. “Since there has not been any monograph that studies comprehensively the issue of vāsanā, and only a very few studies have so far paid attention to this concept, Mingyuan’s dissertation is undoubtedly a significant contribution,“ said Venerable Professor Dhammajoti in his nomination letter. “The dissertation is well documented, based on solid primary Sanskrit, Tibetan, Classical Chinese, and Pāli sources. Some important passages in the dissertation are translated for the first time into English, with considerable annotation. It also critically examines a large number of secondary sources by modern scholars in English, Japanese, French, and Chinese.”


邵瑞祺(Richard Salomon)教授是西雅圖華盛頓大學亞洲語言文學(梵文)名譽教授以及威廉·P與露絲·格伯丁大學榮譽講座教授。他自1978年起在西雅圖華盛頓大學任教,退休後仍在該校兼職教學。 他曾任國際佛學研究學會(International Association of Buddhist Studies, IABS)以及美國東方學會(American Oriental Society)的主席。自1996年起,他成為西雅圖華盛頓大學「早期佛教手稿計畫」主任,領導這一仍在進行中的跨國計畫,編輯、翻譯、出版倖存的早期佛教手稿。 邵瑞祺教授的研究領域包括梵語及梵語文學、印度佛教文獻及文本研究、印度銘文及古文字學、古印度史、犍陀羅語及犍陀羅研究、世界文字史。他現居美國華盛頓州西雅圖。


邵瑞祺(Richard Salomon)教授是西雅图华盛顿大学亚洲语言文学(梵文)名誉教授以及威廉·P与露丝·格伯丁大学荣誉讲座教授。他自1978年起在西雅图华盛顿大学任教,退休后仍在该校兼职教学。 他曾任国际佛学研究学会(International Association of Buddhist Studies, IABS)以及美国东方学会(American Oriental Society)的主席。自1996年起,他成为西雅图华盛顿大学“早期佛教手稿计划”主任,领导这一仍在进行中的跨国计划,编辑、翻译、出版幸存的早期佛教手稿。 邵瑞祺教授的研究领域包括梵语及梵语文学、印度佛教文献及文本研究、印度铭文及古文字学、古印度史、犍陀罗语及犍陀罗研究、世界文字史。他现居美国华盛顿州西雅图。。

Richard SalomonUniversity of Washington

Richard Salomon is Emeritus Professor of Asian Languages and Literature (Sanskrit) and William P. and Ruth Gerberding University Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington (Seattle WA, USA). He has taught at the University of Washington since 1978, and continues to teach there on a post-retirement part-time basis. He is the former president of the International Association of Buddhist Studies and of the American Oriental Society. Since 1996 he has been the director of the University of Washington’s Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project, leading the ongoing international project of editing, translating, and publishing the earliest surviving Buddhist manuscripts. Professor Salomon’s specialties include Sanskrit language and literature, Indian Buddhist literature and textual studies, Indian epigraphy and paleography, early Indian history, Gāndhārī language and Gandhāran studies, and the world history of writing. He lives in Seattle, Washington.


杜榭的論文記錄了一個鮮為人知,且現已不復存在的西藏噶舉派的傳承。該論文對完整噶舉派的文獻記錄是一次名副其實的巡禮。該傳承的重新發現,使噶舉傳承從整體而言更加清晰,同時也揭示其存在在更大意義上對於藏傳佛教領域所產生的深遠影響。該論文概念框架清晰,選題新穎,對相對研究不足的領域進行了補充。這項工作為該領域做出了寶貴而獨特的貢獻,具有批判性,而反復認真地琢磨術語又體現其研究的細緻性。它同時還呈現出豐富多彩的方法論,通過對歷史學,社會學和歷史人類學等多個領域的研究,使該論文架構了更廣泛的理論框架。 儘管此項目涉及的範圍相當廣泛,杜榭對此論文資料的收集篩選令人印象深刻。從十世紀噶舉傳統在印度的起源到噶舉在西藏壯谷(Gzhung Valley)的現狀,她設法記錄了馬爾巴鄂巴傳承的起源、發展、繁榮和消失;從記錄該傳承對其他傳統的影響,到後來鄂巴噶舉嘗試保存和復興其教法。她對用成就者的傳記作為收集宗教,社會力量和傳承概念的有效信息來源討論是具有啓發性的,而其中借用當代法國思想大師之一布爾迪厄(Bourdieu)關於「資本」理論概念的寫作手法嘗試探索是令人鼓舞的。 「能夠獲得今年欽哲基金會頒發的佛學博士論文獎,我感到至為榮幸。」現居住在法國西南部的多爾多涅省的杜榭(Ducher)告訴我們,「自己關於馬爾巴鄂巴噶舉傳承歷史的論文能被這樣一個著名的基金會認可,同時看到我的工作有助於揭示這一構成噶舉密續寶藏之核心、重要卻相對被遺忘的傳承,我心存感激,內心充滿喜悅」。


杜榭的论文记录了一个鲜为人知,且现已不复存在的西藏噶举派的传承。该论文对完整噶举派的文献记录是一次名副其实的巡礼。该传承的重新发现,使噶举传承从整体而言更加清晰,同时也揭示其存在在更大意义上对于藏传佛教领域所产生的深远影响。该论文概念框架清晰,选题新颖,对相对研究不足的领域进行了补充。这项工作为该领域做出了宝贵而独特的贡献,具有批判性,而反复认真地琢磨术语又体现其研究的细致性。它同时还呈现出丰富多彩的方法论,通过对历史学,社会学和历史人类学等多个领域的研究,使该论文架构了更广泛的理论框架。 尽管此项目涉及的范围相当广泛,杜榭对此论文资料的收集筛选令人印象深刻。从十世纪噶举传统在印度的起源到噶举在西藏壮谷(Gzhung Valley)的现状,她设法记录了马尔巴鄂巴传承的起源、发展、繁荣和消失;从记录该传承对其他传统的影响,到后来鄂巴噶举尝试保存和复兴其教法。她对用成就者的传记作为收集宗教,社会力量和传承概念的有效信息来源讨论是具有启发性的,而其中借用当代法国思想大师之一布尔迪厄(Bourdieu)关于“资本”理论概念的写作手法尝试探索是令人鼓舞的。 “能够获得今年钦哲基金会颁发的佛学博士论文奖,我感到至为荣幸。”现居住在法国西南部的多尔多涅省的杜榭告诉我们,“自己关于马尔巴鄂巴噶举传承历史的论文能被这样一个著名的基金会认可,同时看到我的工作有助于揭示这一构成噶举密续宝藏之核心、重要却相对被遗忘的传承,我心存感激,内心充满喜悦”。

Cécile DucherÉcole Pratique des Hautes Études - PSL

Ducher’s dissertation is a veritable tour de force of a record of a little-known and now defunct Tibetan lineage, the rediscovery of which sheds more light on the bKa’ brgyud (Kagyu) tradition as a whole and reveals the lineage’s numerous vestiges and influences within the larger Tibetan religious sphere. The dissertation has a clear conceptual framework and offers an interesting assessment of a relatively under-researched area. The work makes a valuable and original contribution to the field, is critical, detailed and meticulous, and includes careful reflection on terminology. It also presents a richly diverse methodology, drawing from the fields of history, sociology, and historical anthropology, and situating itself within wider theoretical frameworks. Ducher’s grasp of her materials is impressive, and although the scope of the project is vast, ranging from the origins of the bKa’ brgyud tradition in India in the tenth century up to the present situation in Tibet’s gZhung Valley, she manages to document the genesis, development, flourishing, and dissolution of the Mar rNgog lineage, as well as its influences on other traditions and later attempts to preserve and revive its practices. Her discussions on hagiography as a valid source of information about religious and social forces and on the concept of lineage are enlightening, and the excursion into Bourdieu’s theories about “capital” is stimulating. “It is a great honor for me to have been awarded this year’s Award for Outstanding PhD Dissertation in Buddhist Studies by Khyentse Foundation. I feel much gratitude and joy that my work on the history of the Mar rNgog bKa’ brgyud lineage is recognized by such a distinguished foundation and can in this way contribute to shedding some light on this central yet relatively forgotten tradition that constitute the core of the bKa’ brgyud tantric wealth,”


博恩霍茲博士是一位藏傳佛法教師、口譯與筆譯人員。最初他受訓成為一名醫生,之後在加德滿都由堪布楚璽嘉措(Tsultrim Gyamtso)仁波切創立的馬爾巴譯師學院學習藏文與佛教哲學。他也在漢堡大學學習了藏學、梵文與佛學。自1989年起,他成為翻譯藏文、英文與梵文的口譯員與筆譯員。目前,他在那爛陀菩提佛學中心(Nalandabodhi)以及正知國際學院(Nitartha Institute)擔任教師與翻譯。 博恩霍爾茲博士說:「獲得這一獎項我感到非常榮幸。不過更重要的是,本次授獎大體而言彰顯了整個唯識宗,以及特別突出了無著的《攝大乘論》與其釋論的重要性。作為一個理論與實修並具的主要印度佛教宗派,多個世紀以來,唯識宗在許多國家產生了廣泛而深遠的影響。我期望這些譯作能對唯識宗在英語世界中獲得它應有的認可與贊同做出一點小小的貢獻。」


博恩霍兹博士是一位藏传佛法教师、口译与笔译人员。最初他受训成为一名医生,之后在加德满都由堪布楚玺嘉措(Tsultrim Gyamtso)仁波切创立的马尔巴译师学院学习藏文与佛教哲学。他也在汉堡大学学习了藏学、梵文与佛学。自1989年起,他成为翻译藏文、英文与梵文的口译员与笔译员。目前,他在那烂陀菩提佛学中心(Nalandabodhi)以及正知国际学院(Nitartha Institute)担任教师与翻译。 博恩霍尔兹博士说:“获得这一奖项我感到非常荣幸。不过更重要的是,本次授奖大体而言彰显了整个唯识宗,以及特别突出了无著的《摄大乘论》与其释论的重要性。作为一个理论与实修并具的主要印度佛教宗派,多个世纪以来,唯识宗在许多国家产生了广泛而深远的影响。我期望这些译作能对唯识宗在英语世界中获得它应有的认可与赞同做出一点小小的贡献。”

Dr. Karl BrunnhölzlNalandabodhi and the Nitartha Institute

Dr. Brunnhölzl is a teacher, interpreter, and translator in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Originally trained as a medical doctor, he studied Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy at the Marpa Institute for Translators in Kathmandu, founded by Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche. He also studied Tibetology, Sanskrit, and Buddhology at Hamburg University. Since 1989, he has been a translator and interpreter from Tibetan, English, and Sanskrit. He is presently involved with Nalandabodhi and the Nitartha Institute as a teacher and translator. Dr. Brunnhölzl said, “I feel very honored and privileged to receive this award. More importantly though, the prize highlights the major significance of the entire Yogācāra tradition in general, as well as Asanga’s Mahāyānasaṃgrahaand its commentarial tradition in specific, as being a major Indian Buddhist system of thought and practice that has been vastly influential over many hundreds of years in numerous countries. It is my wish that these volumes may be a small contribution toward Yogācāra receiving the attention and appreciation in the English-speaking world that it deserves.”


高明道教授本名弗里德里希·格罗曼(Friedrich Grohmann), 是一位长居台湾40年、精通中文的德国人,是一个致力于佛教研究,特别是佛教文献研究和教学的学者。他现任的工作包括法光佛教文化研究所专任副研究员,华严专宗学院教师,佛光大学佛教学系副教授,以及法鼓佛教学院佛教研究所兼任副教授级专业技术人员。他的研究专长包括:梵语、藏文、巴利语、中文;文献学和经典翻译。在台湾,他的学生和同事们都称他为“高老师”。 “请允许我简单地解释一下为什么我会有以上的想法。半个世纪前,我开始学古汉语,稍后就有幸从师于两位僧侣研习佛典汉语。其中一位是巴利传承的比丘,另一位是西藏传统的格隆。两位都不是华人——比丘是德国人,格隆是匈牙利人,而因缘的开端竟在小小的一所蒙古人的佛堂。这是我最初体察到利美——教内不分学派与传承——的机缘,影响了我一辈子。 我希望回向的第二点是,我强烈地感觉我们通常所指的’佛教’,指的是一种文化,它有外和内两个面向,外,指的是佛塔,石碑,佛像,以及义理,经文,学派等;内,指的是心,或者说意。若是学习佛法,我认为,这外,内二个面向都不可以忽略,特别是在学术的范畴里。”——高明道


高明道教授本名弗里德里希·格羅曼(Friedrich Grohmann), 是一位長居台灣40年、精通中文的德國人,是一個致力於佛教研究,特別是佛教文獻研究和教學的學者。他現任的工作包括法光佛教文化研究所專任副研究員,華嚴專宗學院教師,佛光大學佛教學系副教授,以及法鼓佛教學院佛教研究所兼任副教授級專業技術人員。他的研究專長包括:梵語、藏文、巴利語、中文;文獻學和經典翻譯。在台灣,他的學生和同事們都稱他為「高老師」。 「請允許我簡單地解釋一下為什麼我會有以上的想法。半個世紀前,我開始學古漢語,稍後就有幸從師於兩位僧侶研習佛典漢語。其中一位是巴利傳承的比丘,另一位是西藏傳統的格隆。兩位都不是華人——比丘是德國人,格隆是匈牙利人,而因緣的開端竟在小小的一所蒙古人的佛堂。這是我最初體察到利美——教內不分學派與傳承——的機緣,影響了我一輩子。 我希望回向的第二點是,我強烈地感覺我們通常所指的’佛教’,指的是一種文化,它有外和內兩個面向,外,指的是佛塔,石碑,佛像,以及義理,經文,學派等;內,指的是心,或者說意。若是學習佛法,我認為,這外,內二個面向都不可以忽略,特別是在學術的範疇里。」——高明道

Professor Gao Mingdao

Gao, whose birth name is Friedrich Grohmann, is a German who has lived in Taiwan for more than 40 years. He is an expert in Chinese Buddhist scripture who teaches primarily, and publishes exclusively, in Chinese. Gao’s work is primarily related to Buddhist scripture, including recent translations from Pali to Chinese. At the same time, he teaches on Buddhist texts and classic Buddhist languages in various institutions in Taiwan. He is well known as Gao Laoshi (Lao Shi means teacher) to his students and colleagues in Taiwan." "Let me briefly explain what I mean by this and why these thoughts are so dear to my heart. When I began to learn Chinese half a century ago, it was the classical language I tried to study. Some time later I had the good fortune to be tutored by two Buddhist monks. One was ordained in the Pali tradition, the other in the Tibetan, and both helped me to read Chinese Buddhist texts. But neither of them was Chinese. The bhikkhu was German, the gelong was Hungarian, and all of this started at a small Mongolian temple. That was my first taste of Rimé, Buddhist nonsectarianism, and it has stayed with me all my life.   The second point I wanted to make in the dedication is that I strongly feel that what we generally call “Buddhism” refers to a culture which has its outer and inner aspects. The outer being stupas and steles, images and ideas, scriptures, schools, and so on, while the inner refers to the culture of the heart, of the mind. None of these aspects, it seems to me, should be missing when we try to study dharma, also–or maybe especially–in an academic context."--Friedrich Grohmann





Wenli FanChinese University of Hong Kong

Wenli Fan of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, was unanimously selected by the KF Dissertation Award Committee for her dissertation, Action and Its Results: A Study Based on Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla. Wenli’s dissertation presents the views of the orthodox Indian schools that endorse the existence of causal activity and examines how Śāntarakṣita establishes the idea of non-activity by discussing his objection to causal activity. In addition, she briefly investigates the history of the concept of non-activity in Buddhist philosophy, showing that Śāntarakṣita contributed to this view by explicitly spelling it out and providing a detailed argument for it.  


在過去 25 年里,安迪·羅特曼博士(Dr. Andy Rotman)從事有關南亞敘事、圖像和市場的作用及其宗教、社會和政治功能的文本和民族志研究。這種關注在他對早期印度佛教、南亞媒體和北印度集市的現代經濟的研究中顯而易見。他目前擔任史密斯學院宗教、佛教研究和南亞研究教授。 「榮獲這個獎項令我格外欣喜。我為這部作品確確實實耕耘了數十年,我很高興得到認可。」羅特曼博士目前在印度旅行,為下一項計劃蒐集資料。


​​​​在过去 25 年里,安迪·罗特曼博士(Dr. Andy Rotman)从事有关南亚叙事、图像和市场的作用及其宗教、社会和政治功能的文本和民族志研究。这种关注在他对早期印度佛教、南亚媒体和北印度集市的现代经济的研究中显而易见。他目前担任史密斯学院宗教、佛教研究和南亚研究教授。 “荣获这个奖项令我格外欣喜。我为这部作品确确实实耕耘了数十年,我很高兴得到认可。”罗特曼博士目前在印度旅行,为下一项计划搜集资料。

Andy RotmanSmith College

​​For the last 25 years, Andy Rotman has engaged in textual and ethnographic work on the role of narratives, images, and markets in South Asia and the religious, social, and political functions that they serve. This focus is apparent in his research on early Indian Buddhism, South Asian media, and the modern economies of the North Indian bazaar. He currently serves as professor of Religion, Buddhist Studies, and South Asia Studies at Smith College. “This award is incredibly gratifying. I worked for decades, literally, on this material, and I’m thrilled to receive this kind of recognition,” said Rotman, who is currently traveling in India for research on his next work. 


牛津大學聖彼得學院的克里斯托弗‧瓊斯 (Christopher V. Jones) 因其論文「論印度佛學如來藏文獻中阿特曼的使用與爭議(The use of, and controversy surrounding, the term ātman in the Indian Buddhist tathāgatagarbha literature)」而被欽哲基金會論文獎委員會選中。 他的論文涉及印度佛教如來藏文學中對阿特曼(自我)一詞的複雜且有爭議的使用。 該著作是基於對與該主題相關的所有主要印度資料(梵文、藏文或漢譯本)的仔細分析,但並不局限於對這些文本的語言學分析。 他的論文涉及印度佛教如來藏文學中對阿特曼(自我)一詞的複雜且有爭議的使用。 該著作是基於對與該主題相關的所有主要印度資料(梵文、藏文或漢譯本)的仔細分析,但並不局限於對這些文本的語言學分析。


牛津大学圣彼得学院的克里斯托弗·琼斯 (Christopher V. Jones) 因其论文"论印度佛学如来藏文献中阿特曼的使用与争议 (The use of, and controversy surrounding, the term ātman in the Indian Buddhist tathāgatagarbha literature )"而被钦哲基金会论文奖委员会选中。 他的论文涉及印度佛教如来藏文学中对阿特曼(自我)一词的复杂且有争议的使用。 这项工作基于对与该主题相关的所有主要印度资料(梵文、藏文或汉译本)的仔细分析,但不限于对这些文本的语言学分析。他的论文涉及印度佛教如来藏文学中对阿特曼(自我)一词的复杂且有争议的使用。这项工作基于对与该主题相关的所有主要印度资料(梵文、藏文或汉译本)的仔细分析,但不限于对这些文本的语言学分析。

Christopher V. JonesSt Peter’s College Oxford

Christopher V. Jones of St Peter’s College, Oxford University, has been selected by the KF Dissertation Award Committee for his dissertation, The use of, and controversy surrounding, the term atman in the Indian Buddhist tathagatagarbha literature. His thesis deals with the complex and controversial use of the term atman (“self”) in Indian Buddhist tathagatagarbha literature. The work is based on a close analysis of all the main available Indian sources relevant to this topic (either in Sanskrit or in Tibetan or Chinese translation), but is not confined to the philological analysis of these texts. His thesis deals with the complex and controversial use of the term atman (“self”) in Indian Buddhist tathagatagarbha literature. The work is based on a close analysis of all the main available Indian sources relevant to this topic (either in Sanskrit or in Tibetan or Chinese translation), but is not confined to the philological analysis of these texts.





Mao YufanThe Chinese University of Hong Kong

According to Professor Saerji, a member of the selection committee, “It has clear explanations, deep analysis, and annotated translation, and is certain to contribute to our understanding of late Indian Buddhist Philosophy.” The thesis focuses on two texts: The Establishment of External Objects (Bāhyārthasiddhikārikā), written by Śubhagupta; and the chapter “The Examination of the External Objects (Bahirarthaparīkṣā)” in the Commentary on the Summary of Truth (Tattvasangrahapañjikā), written by Shāntarakshita and his disciple Kamalaśīla.


約翰與鄔史敦是總部位於法國多爾多涅省的 「蓮師翻譯小組」(Padmakara Translation Group)的兩位創始人。 該翻譯小組將重要的藏傳佛教經典翻譯成英語、法語、德語和西班牙語,以其清晰準確的文學風格贏得了卓越的聲譽。 約翰與鄔史敦分別作為一名醫生和一名前本篤會修道士,在成為備受尊敬的翻譯家方面走過了一段豐富多彩的道路。「蓮師翻譯小組」的翻譯作品包括《龍樹菩薩致友人書》、《功德寶藏論》、《成佛之道 -- 殊勝證悟道前行法》、《證悟者的心要寶藏》、《伊喜措嘉佛母傳》,以及幾乎每個藏傳佛教徒都讀過的兩本書:《入菩提行論》與《普賢上師言教》。 「他們的翻譯之所以如此特別,是因為約翰與鄔史敦首先是修行者,其次才是譯者,」欽哲基金會執行董事陳季佩說。


约翰与邬史敦是总部位于法国多尔多涅省的 “莲师翻译小组”(Padmakara Translation Group)的两位创始人。 该翻译小组将重要的藏传佛教经典翻译成英语、法语、德语和西班牙语,以其清晰准确的文学风格赢得了卓越的声誉。 约翰与邬史敦分别作为一名医生和一名前本笃会修道士,在成为备受尊敬的翻译家方面走过了一段丰富多彩的道路。“莲师翻译小组”的翻译作品包括《龙树菩萨致友人书》、《功德宝藏论》、《成佛之道 -- 殊胜证悟道前行法》、《证悟者的心要宝藏》、《伊喜措嘉佛母传》,以及几乎每个藏传佛教徒都读过的两本书:《入菩提行论》与《普贤上师言教》。 “他们的翻译之所以如此特别,是因为约翰与邬史敦首先是修行者,其次才是译者,”钦哲基金会执行董事陈季佩说。

Wulstan Fletcher and John CantiPadmakara Translation Group

Canti and Fletcher are two of the original founders of Padmakara Translation Group, based in the Dordogne, France. Padmakara has earned a distinguished reputation for its clear and accurate literary style in its translations of seminal Tibetan Buddhist texts into English, French, German, and Spanish. As a medical doctor and a former Benedictine monk, respectively, Canti and Fletcher have travelled a colorful path to becoming highly respected translators. Padmakara's list includes Nagarjuna's Letter to a Friend, Treasury of Precious Qualities, The Excellent Path to Enlightenment, The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones, Lady of the Lotus-Born, and the two books read by nearly every Tibetan Buddhist, The Way of the Bodhisattva and The Words of My Perfect Teacher. "What makes their translations so special is that Wulstan and John are practitioners first, translators second," said Cangioli Che, Khyentse Foundation's executive director.


2016年「欽哲基金會傑出翻譯獎」頒給安妮·麥克唐納博士,她翻譯月稱論師《淨明句論》(Prasannapada) 的第一章,並收放在她的新書《明晰之語》(In Clear Words) 當中。 麥克唐納博士是奧地利科學院亞洲文化與思想史研究所的研究員。 她的主要關注點是中觀思想在印度和西藏的發展。她根據新近出土的相關手稿對月稱的《淨明句論》和《入中論》進行研究。 麥克唐納博士在維也納報紙 Der Standard上的一篇文章中說道:「雖然書名提到了『明晰』,但整本書翻譯起來卻很不容易。」《淨明句論》由七世紀的學者月稱論師以梵文寫成,是針對龍樹菩薩《中論》而撰寫的釋論。 「在此我想誠摯地感謝欽哲基金會遴選我的書,作為『欽哲基金會傑出翻譯獎』的得獎作品……,我很確定月稱論師,也就是我所翻譯文獻的原作者,他是七世紀的人,如果他今天仍在,也會非常高興他的作品能被如此卓越的基金會所認可,甚至也獲得身兼欽哲基金會傑出創辦人及主席的宗薩欽哲仁波切所稱頌。宗薩欽哲仁波切在西藏傳統中被視為文殊菩薩的化現;文殊菩薩是一位與般若智慧灼見相關的菩薩,而月稱也在其作品中一再提及並贊頌文殊菩薩。」


2016年“钦哲基金会杰出翻译奖”颁给安妮·麦克唐纳博士,她翻译月称论师《净明句论》(Prasannapada) 的第一章,并收放在她的新书《明晰之语》(In Clear Words) 当中。 麦克唐纳博士是奥地利科学院亚洲文化与思想史研究所的研究员。 她的主要关注点是中观思想在印度和西藏的发展。她根据新近出土的相关手稿对月称的《净明句论》和《入中论》进行研究。 麦克唐纳博士在维也纳报纸 Der Standard上的一篇文章中说道:“虽然书名提到了‘明晰’,但整本书翻译起来却很不容易。”《净明句论》由七世纪的学者月称论师以梵文写成,是针对龙树菩萨《中论》而撰写的释论。 “在此我想诚挚地感谢钦哲基金会遴选我的书,作为‘钦哲基金会杰出翻译奖’的得奖作品……,我很确定月称论师,也就是我所翻译文献的原作者,他是七世纪的人,如果他今天仍在,也会非常高兴他的作品能被如此卓越的基金会所认可,甚至也获得身兼钦哲基金会杰出创办人及主席的宗萨钦哲仁波切所称颂。宗萨钦哲仁波切在西藏传统中被视为文殊菩萨的化现;文殊菩萨是一位与般若智慧灼见相关的菩萨,而月称也在其作品中一再提及并赞颂文殊菩萨。”

Dr. Anne MacDonaldInstitute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria

Dr. MacDonald is a researcher at the Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria. Her primary focus is the development of Madhyamaka thought in India and Tibet. Her research on Chandrakirti’s Prasannapada and Madhyamakavatarabhaṣya is based on newly available manuscripts of these works. “Although the title suggests clarity, the text is actually quite challenging,” said Dr. MacDonald in an article published in Der Standard, a Viennese newspaper. The Prasannapada, written in Sanskrit by the 7th century scholar Chandrakirti, is a commentary on Nagarjuna’s Mulamadhyamakakarika. “I would like to sincerely thank Khyentse Foundation for having selected my book for their Prize for Outstanding Translation…I am sure that Chandrakirti would be thrilled were he alive today to see his work acknowledged by such a remarkable foundation, and by extension, by its exceptional founder and head, Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, held by the Tibetan tradition to be an emanation of Manjushri, the bodhisattva associated with prajna, insight, who is repeatedly mentioned and praised by Chandrakirti in his works.


大衛·希金斯博士因其論文「藏傳大圓滿法之哲學基礎:探究分別心和本初智的差異(The Philosophical Foundations of Classical Dzogchen in Tibet: Investigating the Distinction Between Dualistic Mind and Primordial Knowing)」而榮獲欽哲基金會2014-15年度傑出佛學博士論文獎。 希金斯博士在2012年於洛桑大學進修博士班,他在湯姆·迪勒曼斯(Tom Tillemans)教授的指導下完成了關於藏傳大圓滿法哲學基礎的博士論文。該論文在2013年由維也納大學的「維也納藏學與佛教研究」系列叢書出版。阿普爾頓博士表示:「希金斯博士的論文,是對於西藏寧瑪派的傳布與理解之精湛分析暨回顧。在一定程度上,也是對於大圓滿此一至為重要的哲學與解脫論主題的重新詮釋。」


大卫·希金斯博士因其论文“藏传大圆满法之哲学基础:探究分别心和本初智的差异(The Philosophical Foundations of Classical Dzogchen in Tibet: Investigating the Distinction Between Dualistic Mind and Primordial Knowing)”而荣获钦哲基金会2014-15年度杰出佛学博士论文奖。希金斯博士在2012年于洛桑大学进修博士班,他在汤姆·迪勒曼斯(Tom Tillemans)教授的指导下完成了关于藏传大圆满法哲学基础的博士论文。该论文在2013年由维也纳大学的“维也纳藏学与佛教研究”系列丛书出版。阿普尔顿博士表示:“希金斯博士的论文,是对于西藏宁玛派的传布与理解之精湛分析暨回顾。在一定程度上,也是对于大圆满此一至为重要的哲学与解脱论主题的重新诠释。”

Dr. David HigginsUniversity of Lausanne

Dr. David Higgins received Khyentse Foundation Award for Outstanding PHD Dissertations in Buddhist Studies, 2014-15, for his thesis, The Philosophical Foundations of Classical Dzogchen in Tibet: Investigating the Distinction Between Dualistic Mind and Primordial Knowing. Dr. Higgins holds a doctorate from the University of Lausanne (2012), where he completed his thesis on the philosophical foundations of the Tibetan Great Perfection tradition under the supervision of Prof. Tom Tillemans. The thesis was published in 2013 in the Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde series at the University of Vienna. “Dr. Higgins’ work is a truly masterful analysis and overview of the Tibetan Nyingma tradition’s reception, understanding, and, to some extent, reinterpretation of a topic of crucial philosophical and soteriological importance,” said Dr. Appleton.


詹斯·威爾漢·伯格藍博士因其論文「《諍事》研究:根本說一切有部戒律的律法決議程序(A Study of the Adhikaranavastu: Legal Settlement Procedures of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya)」而榮獲欽哲基金會 2014-15 年度傑出佛學博士論文獎。伯格藍博士在奧斯陸大學獲得文化研究與東方語言的博士學位。他於奧斯陸大學教授梵文,同時也是海德堡跨文化研究中心的客座研究員。他是奧斯陸大學文化研究與東方語文學系的學士 (文化與社會科學領域,主修宗教研究),以及該系的亞非研究碩士 (專長梵文)。


詹斯威尔汉·伯格蓝博士因其论文“《諍事》研究:根本說一切有部戒律的律法決議程序(A Study of the Adhikaranavastu: Legal Settlement Procedures of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya)”而荣获钦哲基金会 2014-15 年度杰出佛学博士论文奖。伯格蓝博士在奥斯陆大学获得文化研究与东方语言的博士学位。他于奥斯陆大学教授梵文,同时也是海德堡跨文化研究中心的客座研究员。他是奥斯陆大学文化研究与东方语文学系的学士(文化与社会科学领域,主修宗教研究),以及该系的亚非研究硕士(专长梵文)。

Dr. Jens Wilhelm BorglandDepartment of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo

Dr. Jens Wilhelm Borgland received Khyentse Foundation Award for Outstanding PHD Dissertations in Buddhist Studies, 2014-15, for his thesis, A Study of the Adhikaranavastu: Legal Settlement Procedures of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya. Dr. Borgland earned his PhD from the Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo. He has been teaching Sanskrit at the University of Oslo and is a guest researcher at the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies. He also holds a master of philosophy degree in Asian and African studies with specialization in Sanskrit and a bachelor of arts degree in cultural and social sciences with a major in religious studies, both from the Department of Cultural Studies and Oriental Languages, University of Oslo.


法光法師是國際知名的學者,以其中英文著作、開示、教學和講座而聞名。除了在斯里蘭卡的長期佛法事業外,他也曾在印度、日本、中國、台灣、新加坡、馬來西亞、泰國、加拿大、歐洲等地講學。2013年於比利時根特大學(University of Ghent)佛學研究中心和法鼓佛教學院合辦的「阿毘達磨國際研討會」上,法師發表了「眾賢(僧伽跋陀羅)對理解阿毘達磨之貢獻」的演說。 法師1949年出生於馬來西亞,有時亦被稱為「吉隆坡法光」或「KL Dhammajoti」。他依上座部傳統出家為僧,在斯里蘭卡的凱拉尼亞大學(Kelaniya University)求學。1970年,他以研究悟入(Skandhila)的《入阿毘達磨論》獲得碩士學位;1990年,再以研究各種中文版本《法句經》的論文獲得博士學位。 法師特別專注研究說一切有部的阿毘達磨教法,他針對此研究課題的著作已經再版三次。法師同時研究巴利文的上座部傳承,並鼓勵有關巴利文上座部與其他傳承的比較研究。移居香港後,他保持與斯里蘭卡的交流,並持續邀請知名的斯里蘭卡學者共同培育新一代佛教學者。


法光法师是国际知名的学者,以其中英文著作、开示、教学和讲座而闻名。除了在斯里兰卡的长期佛法事业外,他也曾在印度、日本、中国、台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、泰国、加拿大、欧洲等地讲学。2013年于比利时根特大学(University of Ghent)佛学研究中心和法鼓佛教学院合办的“阿毘达磨国际研讨会”上,法师发表了“众贤(僧伽跋陀罗)对理解阿毘达磨之贡献”的演说。 法师1949年出生于马来西亚,有时亦被称为“吉隆坡法光”或“KL Dhammajoti”。他依上座部传统出家为僧,在斯里兰卡的凯拉尼亚大学(Kelaniya University)求学。1970年,他以研究悟入(Skandhila)的《入阿毘达磨论》获得硕士学位;1990年,再以研究各种中文版本《法句经》的论文获得博士学位。 法师特别专注研究说一切有部的阿毘达磨教法,他针对此研究课题的著作已经再版三次。法师同时研究巴利文的上座部传承,并鼓励有关巴利文上座部与其他传承的比较研究。移居香港后,他保持与斯里兰卡的交流,并持续邀请知名的斯里兰卡学者共同培育新一代佛教学者。

Venerable Dhammajoti

Venerable Dhammajoti is an international figure, known for his publications, teaching, and lectures and seminars in English and in Chinese. In addition to his long activity in Sri Lanka, he has lectured in India, Japan, China, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Canada, and Europe. In 2013 he delivered the keynote address, “Samghabhadra’s Contribution to our Understanding of Abhidharma,” at the International Conference on Abhidharma at the University of Ghent in Belgium. Born in Malaysia in 1949, Venerable Dhammajoti is sometimes known as “Kuala Lumpur Dhammajoti” or “KL Dhammajoti.” He became a monk in the Theravadin tradition and studied at Kelaniya University in Sri Lanka, where he earned his MA in 1970 for a study of Skandhila's Abhidharmaavatara and his PhD in 1990 for a thesis on the Chinese versions of the Dhammapada. His research has been especially devoted to the study of the Sarvastivada Abhidharma, and his book on this topic is now in its third edition. Venerable Dhammajoti has also studied the Pali-Theravadin tradition, and he encourages the comparative study of the Pali and other traditions. He maintains his links with Sri Lanka, and since moving to Hong Kong has invited noted Sri Lankan academics to join hands in the training of a new generation of scholars of Buddhism.


馬克‧布魯姆(Mark Blum)教授是2015年欽哲基金會「傑出翻譯獎」得主。布魯姆教授於加州大學柏克萊分校東亞語言暨文化學系,擔任日本佛教伊藤真乘特聘教席。他翻譯了曇無讖於公元五世紀所譯漢文版《大般涅槃經》的前十卷(第一冊),這是這部闡述佛性(如來藏)的重要佛經的首部英文譯本。 彼得‧史基林教授指出這部經文的重要性,他說:「《涅槃經》是一部百科全書,它針對印度佛教徒在探索新的思想時面臨的關鍵問題,以傳統的經文、佛陀生平的論述、佛說本生經和佛教的譬喻文學,去編寫出形而上學的對話。佛陀、舍利弗尊者、文殊菩薩、迦葉尊者都是透過譬喻和辯論的方式進行討論,探索解脫的動力。」


马克‧布鲁姆(Mark Blum)教授是2015年钦哲基金会“杰出翻译奖”得主。布鲁姆教授于加州大学伯克利分校东亚语言暨文化学系,担任日本佛教伊藤真乘特聘教席。他翻译了昙无谶于公元五世纪所译汉文版《大般涅槃经》的前十卷(第一册),这是这部阐述佛性(如来藏)的重要佛经的首部英文译本。 彼得‧史基林教授指出这部经文的重要性,他说:“《涅槃经》是一部百科全书,它针对印度佛教徒在探索新的思想时面临的关键问题,以传统的经文、佛陀生平的论述、佛说本生经和佛教的譬喻文学,去编写出形而上学的对话。佛陀、舍利弗尊者、文殊菩萨、迦叶尊者都是透过譬喻和辩论的方式进行讨论,探索解脱的动力。”

Mark BlumUniversity of California, Berkeley

Professor Mark Blum has been awarded the 2015 Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation. Professor Blum holds the Shinjo Ito Distinguished Chair in Japanese Studies, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, at the University of California, Berkeley. He translated Volume I of the Mahaparinirvana Sutra from Dharmaksema’s 5th-century Chinese version. This is the first translation into English of this important sutra, an exposition of Buddha nature (tathagatagarbha). Professor Peter Skilling noted the tremendous significance of this sutra, saying, “The Nirvana sutra is encyclopedic, drawing on traditional sutras, narratives of the life of the Buddha, jatakas, and avadanas, to weave complex metaphysical dialogs on key questions that Indian Buddhists faced as they moved inexorably towards new frontiers of thought. The Buddha, great monks like Sariputra, bodhisattvas like Manjushri, and the bodhisattva Kasyapa engage in spirited discussions using similes and debate to explore the dynamics of liberation.”


趙東明的論文旨在研究《成唯識論》及窺基《成唯識論述記》中的「轉依」理論。根據《成唯識論》的說法,「轉依」有四種義別,即:「能轉道」、「所轉依」、「所轉捨」、「所轉得」。該論文特別將焦點放在「轉依」四義中「所轉依」的「所依」與「能轉道」之「無分別智」這二部份。並以護法「心、心所」認識論的「四分」說(「相分」、「見分」、「自證分」、「證自證分」)為問題意識,切入探究其間的關係。 評審委員會成員之一的劉國威教授說,「趙博士的論文對中國唯識派的思想提供了深度的哲學分析。」 另外一名評審委員北京大學的薩尔吉教授指出,趙博士的論文是「一個非常好的研究,具有深度的原著分析和具說服力的辯論。令人增加了對中印佛學的理解。」


赵东明的论文旨在研究《成唯识论》及窥基《成唯识论述记》中的“转依”理论。根据《成唯识论》的说法,“转依”有四种义别,即:“能转道”、“所转依”、“所转舍”、“所转得”。该论文特别将焦点放在“转依”四义中“所转依”的“所依”与“能转道”之“无分别智”这二部份。并以护法“心、心所”认识论的“四分”说(“相分”、“见分”、“自证分”、“证自证分”)为问题意识,切入探究其间的关系。 评审委员会成员之一的刘国威教授说,“赵博士的论文对中国唯识派的思想提供了深度的哲学分析。” 另外一名评审委员北京大学的萨尔吉教授指出,赵博士的论文是“一个非常好的研究,具有深度的原著分析和具说服力的辩论。令人增加了对中印佛学的理解。”

Dr. Chao Tung-MingNational Taiwan University

Dr. Chao’s dissertation is on the Chinese Yogācāra School of Buddhism, entitled “A Study of Fundamental Transformation in the Cheng Weishi Lun and Kuiji’s Commentaries.” It focuses primarily on “the basis to be transformed,” which is basis, and “the path that operates transformation,” which is non-discriminating wisdom. He delves into Dharmapala’s view of the four aspects theory of cognition. It is a rigorous and in-depth analysis that appeals greatly to Buddhist academics. Professor Liu Kuo-Wei, one of the selection committee members, said that “Mr. Chao’s dissertation provides in-depth philosophical analysis on the thoughts of the Chinese Yogācāra.” Professor Saerji, another selection committee member, remarked that Dr. Chao’s dissertation is “a good study, with deep textual analysis and convincing arguments, that increases our understanding of Sino-Indian Buddhism.”


馬克·西德里茨教授和桂Shōryū Katsura教授於7月在維也納大學舉行的國際佛學研究協會第十七屆大會上榮獲2014年傑出翻譯獎。 欽哲基金會研究員、脆弱棕櫚葉基金會創始人兼主席 Peter Skilling 教授向 Katsura 和 Siderits 頒發了獎項,表彰他們對龍樹菩薩 (Nāgārjuna) 的《Mūlamadhyyamakakārikā》的新譯本。


七月在维也纳大学举办的第十七届国际佛学研究协会 (IABS,International Association for Buddhist Studies) 大会上,马克•西德里茨教授 (Mark Siderits) 和桂绍隆教授(Shōryū Katsura) 获颁2014年度杰出翻译奖。钦哲基金会成员、也是贝叶基金会创办人与会长的彼得‧史基林 (Peter Skilling) 教授为他们颁发奖项,以表扬两位教授的新译作--龙树的《中论》(Mūlamadhyamakakārikā)。 史基林教授表示:“桂教授担任IABS的董事会成员已有多年,因此能够在这里颁发这个奖项给他,是我们极大的荣幸。”西德里茨教授发表了一个简短的演讲,感谢钦哲基金会和智慧出版社 (Wisdom Publications)。他同时也感谢桂教授让这项专案变得更为趣味盎然。钦哲基金会学术发展委员会成员格雷.福尔格 (Greg Forgues) 及其他钦哲团队成员出席了仪式。

Professor Mark Siderits and Professor Shōryū Katsura

Professor Mark Siderits and Professor Shōryū Katsura were awarded the 2014 Prize for Outstanding Translation at the International Association for Buddhist Studies 17th Congress at the University of Vienna in July. Professor Peter Skilling, KF Fellow and founder and president of the Fragile Palm Leaves Foundation, presented the award to Katsura and Siderits for their new translation of Nāgārjuna’s Mūlamadhyamakakārikā. Professor Skilling said, “Professor Katsura was a board member of the IABS for many years, so this is a particular honor and pleasure for us at the IABS to give this prize here.” Professor Siderits gave a short speech thanking KF and Wisdom Publications. He also thanked Professor Katsura for making the project so much fun. KF Academic Development Committee member Greg Forgues and others from the KF team were present for the ceremony.


2013年欽哲基金會傑出翻譯獎頒給長老菩提比丘 (Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi),以表彰其著作:《佛陀的數字經論:阿古塔羅尼柯耶譯本》(The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya ,由波士頓的智慧出版社Wisdom Publications發行,2012年)。 長老菩提比丘是紐約卡梅爾(Carmel) 莊嚴寺的住持。「Aṅguttara Nikāya」為南傳佛教中的「增支部尼柯耶」(漢譯「增壹阿含經」),意為「以數字上增的方式所匯編的佛陀言教集」,是巴利文「大藏經」四部基礎經典中第二長的,也是許多其他地方找不到的重要且有影響力的教義的寶庫。欽哲基金會希望借此獎項,不僅表彰《數字經論》的出版本身所取得的巨大成就,也表彰菩提比丘一生致力於將佛陀的教義傳播給更廣泛的英語受眾。他還翻譯了份量更多的《相應部尼柯耶》(2000年),以及他和髻智比丘(Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli) 聯合翻譯的《中部尼柯耶》(1995年) 。當今沒有任何一位學者,對於把大量的佛經翻譯成現代語言,有如此大的貢獻。菩提比丘獲得傑出翻譯獎是實至名歸。


2013年钦哲基金会杰出翻译奖颁给长老菩提比丘 (Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi),以表彰其著作:《佛陀的数字经论:阿古塔罗尼柯耶译本》(The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya ,由波士顿的智慧出版社Wisdom Publications发行,2012年)。 长老菩提比丘是纽约卡梅尔(Carmel) 庄严寺的住持。“Aṅguttara Nikāya”为南传佛教中的“增支部尼柯耶”(汉译“增壹阿含经”),意为“以数字上增的方式所汇编的佛陀言教集”,是巴利文“大藏经”四部基础经典中第二长的,也是许多其他地方找不到的重要且有影响力的教义的宝库。钦哲基金会希望借此奖项,不仅表彰《数字经论》的出版本身所取得的巨大成就,也表彰菩提比丘一生致力于将佛陀的教义传播给更广泛的英语受众。他还翻译了份量更多的《相应部尼柯耶》(2000年),以及他和髻智比丘(Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli) 联合翻译的《中部尼柯耶》(1995年) 。当今没有任何一位学者,对于把大量的佛经翻译成现代语言,有如此大的贡献。菩提比丘获得杰出翻译奖是实至名归。

Venerable Bikkhu BodhiChuang Yen Monastery in Carmel, New York

Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi was awarded the 2013 Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation for publication of The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya (Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2012). Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi is chief abbot of Chuang Yen Monastery in Carmel, New York. The Aṅguttara Nikāya (roughly, “Collection of Discourses Arranged by Numbers, in Ascending Order”) is the second longest of the four basic suttas or discourse collections of the Pāli canon, and the repository of many important and influential teachings not found elsewhere. With this award, Khyentse Foundation wishes to recognize not just the prodigious achievement that the publication of The Numerical Discourses represents in itself, but also Bhikkhu Bodhi’s lifetime of dedication to the task of rendering the Buddha’s words accessible to a wider English-speaking audience. Among other things, this dedication has resulted in his translation of the even more voluminous Saṃyutta Nikāya (2000) and his joint rendition (with Bhikkhu Ñāṇamoli) of the Majjhima Nikāya (1995). No other living scholar has made a contribution of such magnitude to the translation of Buddhist scriptures into a modern language. Bhikkhu Bodhi is truly a worthy recipient of the Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation.


彼得‧史其林教授是一位佛教學者、歷史學家、研究員、翻譯家、詩人和講師,其學科範圍廣泛,從歷史和哲學到佛教藝術、考古學、銘文研究和相關領域。 目前,他是位於曼谷的法國亞洲研究學院的研究員。 研究領域包括大乘佛教早期歷史、東南亞巴利語歷史、佛教尼僧團歷史、南亞和東南亞考古學和文學。 他的研究以多種語言進行,包括英語、法語、藏語、巴利語、梵語和泰語。 他擔任「貝葉基金會」(the Fragile Palm Leaves Foundation)會長一職,該基金會是一個支持東南亞佛教文獻保存和研究的非宗派組織,保存了大量以巴利文和其他東南亞語文寫成的貝葉手稿。 史其林教授自2007年起即擔任欽哲基金會之顧問,對於基金會的成長走向,尤其是關於學術研究、獎學金和翻譯計劃方面,提供了睿智的建議與方針。他也協助創始欽哲基金會的許多計劃,包括欽哲基金會傑出佛學研究獎、卓越翻譯獎,以及目前正在籌備階段的最佳論文獎。 史其林教授的著作包括:「摩訶經:佛陀的偉大教言 (Mahasutras: the Great Discourses of the Buddha)」、「西昌寺」及「小乘佛教何以為小乘佛教? (How Theravada is Theravada?)」


彼得‧史其林教授是一位佛教学者、历史学家、研究员、翻译家、诗人和讲师,其学科范围广泛,从历史和哲学到佛教艺术、考古学、铭文研究和相关领域。 目前,他是位于曼谷的法国亚洲研究学院的研究员。 研究领域包括大乘佛教早期历史、东南亚巴利语历史、佛教尼僧团历史、南亚和东南亚考古学和文学。 他的研究以多种语言进行,包括英语、法语、藏语、巴利语、梵语和泰语。 他担任“贝叶基金会”(the Fragile Palm Leaves Foundation)会长一职,该基金会是一个支持东南亚佛教文献保存和研究的非宗派组织,保存了大量以巴利文和其他东南亚语文写成的贝叶手稿。 史其林教授自2007年起即担任钦哲基金会之顾问,对于基金会的成长走向,尤其是关于学术研究、奖学金和翻译计划方面,提供了睿智的建议与方针。他也协助创始钦哲基金会的许多计划,包括钦哲基金会杰出佛学研究奖、卓越翻译奖,以及目前正在筹备阶段的最佳论文奖。 史其林教授的著作包括:“摩诃经:佛陀的伟大教言 (Mahasutras: the Great Discourses of the Buddha)”、“西昌寺”及“小乘佛教何以为小乘佛教? (How Theravada is Theravada?)”

Professor Peter SkillingFrench School of Asian Studies, Bangkok

Professor Peter Skilling is a Buddhist scholar, historian, researcher, translator, poet, and lecturer on a wide range of subjects, from history and philosophy to Buddhist art, archaeology, epigraphy, and related areas. At present he is a researcher with the French School of Asian Studies, based in Bangkok. His fields of research include the early history of Mahayana Buddhism, the history of Pali in Southeast Asia, the history of the Buddhist orders of nuns, and the archaeology and literature of South and Southeast Asia. His research is conducted in numerous languages, including English, French, Tibetan, Pali, Sanskrit, and Thai. He is president of the Fragile Palm Leaves Foundation, a nonsectarian organization that supports the preservation and study of the Buddhist literature of Southeast Asia. The Foundation preserves a large collection of palm-leaf manuscripts in Pali and Southeast Asian languages. Professor Skilling has served as an adviser to Khyentse Foundation since 2007 and has provided wise guidance in the Foundation’s growth, especially in the development of ideas relating to academia, scholarship, and translation projects. He has initiated many successful KF projects, including the KF Award for Excellence in Buddhist Studies, the KF Outstanding Translation Award, and the KF Best Dissertation Award, now in the formative stage. Some of Prof. Skilling’s publications include Mahasutras: the Great Discourses of the Buddha, Wat Si Chum, and How Theravada is Theravada?


美國聖十字學院(Holy Cross University,位於馬薩諸塞州伍徹斯特)的托德·劉易斯(Todd Lewis)教授和尼泊爾巴薩學院的蘇巴納·曼·圖拉達(Subarna Man Tuladar)教授因翻譯了尼泊爾著名文學家奇塔達爾·赫里達亞(Chittadhar Hridaya,1906-1982 年)用尼瓦爾語撰寫的《善逝史詩:描述佛陀一生的尼泊爾史詩》〈Sugata Saurabha:An Epic Poem from Nepal on the Life of the Buddha 〉(牛津大學出版社,2010 年)而榮獲首屆欽哲基金會傑出翻譯獎。 宗薩欽哲仁波切和彼得·斯基林教授在印度菩提伽耶為他們頒獎。《善逝史詩》以十九首尼瓦爾詩篇講述了佛陀的一生。 著名文學家奇塔達爾·赫里達亞因用母語發表一首詩而被判五年徒刑,並在出獄後完成了該作品的大部分內容。 該書最初於1949年在加爾各答出版。 除了詩歌本身清晰優雅的翻譯外,這本書還提供了有關文本的文學、文化和宗教背景的背景信息。 翻譯成英文後的詩歌不僅是瞭解另一種文化的窗口,也是一種審美體驗,可以讓讀者加深對佛陀一生的理解。 譯本的精神符合詩人的要求,他在1982年去世前不久表達了他的願望,即這首詩「用英語讀得好,以便讀者能夠理解原作的美」。


美国圣十字学院(Holy Cross University,位于马萨诸塞州伍彻斯特)的托德·刘易斯(Todd Lewis)教授和尼泊尔巴萨学院的苏巴纳·曼·图拉达(Subarna Man Tuladar)教授因翻译了尼泊尔著名文学家奇塔达尔·赫里达亚(Chittadhar Hridaya,1906-1982 年)用尼瓦尔语撰写的《善逝史诗:描述佛陀一生的尼泊尔史诗》〈Sugata Saurabha:An Epic Poem from Nepal on the Life of the Buddha 〉(牛津大学出版社,2010 年)而荣获首届钦哲基金会杰出翻译奖。 宗萨钦哲仁波切和彼得·斯基林教授在印度菩提伽耶为他们颁奖。《善逝史诗》以十九首尼瓦尔诗篇讲述了佛陀的一生。 著名文学家奇塔达尔·赫里达亚因用母语发表一首诗而被判五年徒刑,并在出狱后完成了该作品的大部分内容。 该书最初于1949年在加尔各答出版。 除了诗歌本身清晰优雅的翻译外,这本书还提供了有关文本的文学、文化和宗教背景的背景信息。 翻译成英文后的诗歌不仅是了解另一种文化的窗口,也是一种审美体验,可以让读者加深对佛陀一生的理解。 译本的精神符合诗人的要求,他在1982年去世前不久表达了他的愿望,即这首诗“用英语读得好,以便读者能够理解原作的美”。

Todd Lewis and Subarna Man TuladarCollege of the Holy Cross, Nepal Bhasa Institute

Professor Todd Lewis of College of the Holy Cross (Worchester, Massachusetts) and Subarna Man Tuladar of Nepal Bhasa Institute received the first Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation for his translation from Newari into English of Sugata Saurabha: An Epic Poem from Nepal on the Life of the Buddha by the Nepali poet Chittadhar Hridaya (Oxford University Press, 2010). Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche and Professor Peter Skilling presented the award in Bodhgaya, India. The Sugata Saurabha tells the life of the Buddha in nineteen cantos of Newari verse. Chittadhar Hridaya (1906-1982), a prominent literary figure, composed much of the work while serving a five-year prison sentence for publishing a poem in his native language, and completed it after his release from prison. It was originally published in Kolkata in 1949. In addition to the clear and elegant translation of the poem itself, the book offers background information about the literary, cultural, and religious context of the text. The translated poem is not simply a window into another culture; it is an aesthetic experience that moves the reader to an enhanced understanding of the life of the Buddha. The spirit of the translation lives up to the request of the poet, who shortly before his death in 1982 expressed his desire that the poem should “read well in English, so that the reader can understand the beauty [of] the original.”