Diego is responsible for making sure that Khyentse Foundation’s technology tools are reliable, secure, and optimized for operational efficiency. Within the Tech Mandala, he consistently seeks effective alternatives for website hosting, identifies cybersecurity risks, updates tools, assists with database queries, and provides tech support on request.
Diego holds a BA in Electrical Engineering and an MSc in System Engineering. He comes from a family that likes dismantling and remounting things, from portable FM radios to cloud computing. He has experience with railway systems, energy, banking and payment, investment portfolio robots, and analytics for smart cities. He enjoys gardening as well as experimenting with new tech. He currently lives in Brazil.
Sonam feels honored and grateful to join the Khyentse Foundation board of directors. She is committed to doing her best to help in this important role, and she looks forward to supporting the foundation’s mission to promote Buddhist study and practice around the world in any way she can.
Sonam is a civil servant in Bhutan, and most of her knowledge comes from her experience working with the Ministry of Finance. Along with serving on the Khyentse Foundation board of directors, she is also a board member for Jamyang Khyenpa, an organization under Bhutan’s Commission for Religious Organizations.
In 2015, I met Rinpoche for the first time and that moment changed everything. That year marked a major turning point for me, and from then on, my life took a different path. I feel incredibly grateful for his guidance, his teachings, his blessings, and simply for his presence in our lives. My hope is to serve him well and to be the kind of student worthy of such an incredible teacher, doing whatever I can to support his vision. Having this chance in life feels like a true blessing, and I cherish it deeply.
Maya joined KF in 2024 as administrative support.
Maya is proud to be a third generation buddhist, and grew up between Colorado and India. She has a BA in art history and architectural studies from Middlebury College in Vermont. She’s honored to work at Khyentse Foundation and to be a part of such an incredible organization and team.
Frances joined Khyentse Foundation’s Communications Team as English editor and writer in 2022 and now serves as managing editor. As well as overseeing the publication schedule and managing workflows, she writes and edits most of the team’s English-language articles and announcements, and coordinates and edits the annual report. She also checks translations from Chinese to English and maintains the team’s editorial style guide.
Frances has a BA in Language from the University of York and an MA in Archaeology (Buddhist Art of Dunhuang; Aspects of Buddhism; and Chinese Ceramics) from SOAS University of London. Her first editorial role was for New World Press in Beijing. She has since served as managing editor of the Buddhistdoor Global website and the Asian art magazine Orientations, both based in Hong Kong. She has also edited Chinese art exhibition catalogues for the Victoria and Albert Museum and The Chinese University of Hong Kong Art Museum, as well as for private collectors.
I first met the dharma in 1982 and began a regular practice after encountering the Nyingma tradition in 1998. As well as Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, my teachers have included Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, and Tsoknyi Rinpoche. I was fortunate to complete a 3-year retreat under Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche’s guidance in 2012.
伊莎贝尔拥有巴西坎皮纳斯天主教大学的计算机科学学士学位。她于1994年获得旧金山大学的工商管理硕士学位。毕业后,她曾在Pactual 银行,荷兰国际集团(ING),德意志银行,BBA资本(巴西Capital Group的合资企业)和当时巴西第三大资产管理公司BankBoston Asset Management工作。她通过她的公司格萨尔资产管理(Gesar Capital Management)为私人客户和基金会管理基金,是卡内基投资顾问洛杉矶办事处的投资组合经理,并且是注册投资顾问。
特伦特·沃克 (Trent Walker) 是钦哲基金会学术发展委员会的成员,该委员会专注于向世界各地的大学提供资助并与其建立伙伴关系。 作为该委员会的一员,他还定期协助组织和主持古德曼佛学讲座,为大众引介在全球各地和钦哲基金会合作的佛学研究学者。
特伦特·沃克 (Trent Walker) 是美国密歇根大学东南亚研究助理教授和泰国上座部佛教教授。 在搬到安娜堡之前,他在曼谷朱拉隆功大学(由钦哲基金会赞助)和斯坦福大学何氏佛学研究中心完成了博士后研究。 他于 2018 年在加州大学伯克利分校获得了佛教研究博士学位,专功东南亚佛教音乐、文学和手稿方面的研究,他的学术出版主要题材是柬埔寨、老挝、泰国和越南的佛教仪式、文学和思想史。
我深深钦佩钦哲基金会以不分教派的方式支持佛教的学术研究和修行。我对上座部传统的长期沉浸塑造了我的视角。 在我十几岁和二十岁出头的时候,我在柬埔寨当了五个月的沙弥,并接受了几年的高棉诵经技巧训练。我很幸运能经常有机会在东南亚和美国参与表演相关仪式和文化活动。在我的教学和研究工作中,我特别关注的是那些能让东南亚当地和海外侨胞社区更容易接触到他们的佛教遗产的项目。
Sydney有着不同寻常地丰富的经历。她的第一份职业是护士,随后在英国文学专业攻读硕士,其后不久又获得了临床社会工作者的学历和认证。她在 55 岁时从加州大学柏克莱分校获得社会工作博士学位,并在一家大型全球咨询公司从事领导力培训工作。这一角色使她能够与她的丈夫克里斯一起开发一门领导力课程,专门培训仁波切的僧侣、堪布和领袖以及一群年轻的西藏和不丹祖古的领导力。
我曾跟随一位不太适合我的老师学习。所以当我听闻到宗萨仁波切,便去听他的开示,他一走进房间,我就知道他就是我的老师了。我对那个决定从未动摇过。就我的个人生活而言,我失去了一个孩子,他当时17 岁,我还在柏克莱读书。而在同一时期,我的母亲和父亲也都去世了。失去至亲令我强烈而痛苦地体验到无常,而且死亡是真实的,它会毫无预兆的到来,我的这个身体将变成一具尸体。而我亦更能觉知到其他众生的痛苦。
Jun 的主要职责是管理基金会所有传讯和宣传工作,包括撰写、编辑和出版电子通讯、社交媒体帖子和网页文章;此外,她还主持在线活动。她也是学术委员会的成员,与香港、台湾和中国大陆的大学保持联系。她同时与基金会的护持者保持联络,尤其关注华语世界的捐款者和朋友。
Alex Kong works with the KF Communications team as a Chinese translator.
Alex has BA degree in pedagogy and a diploma in Sino-US research from the Johns-Hopkins Nanjing center. He now works as an executive coach and management consultant in organization design, talent assessment, and leadership development.
I was born and raised in Mainland China. In 2009, I began to investigate the teachings of the Buddha and met Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in Kathmandu, Nepal in 2010. Since then, I follow Rinpoche’s guidance to study Buddha dharma.
我在2014年遇然在 Facebook 视频发现了仁波切的教法。作为一个无神论者,我对佛教产生了兴趣,并对它的哲学在现代世界中的适用性感到惊讶。几个月后,我有幸在台湾的佛顶尊胜佛母法会见到了仁波切,并成为了他的弟子。
Yang Yang translates KF documents from Chinese into English.
One evening in 2014 I was trapped at the Shanghai airport by a typhoon. Extremely weary, I walked into a bookstore where I found What Makes You Not a Buddhist among the self-help books. By the time I finished the book, the plane was landing in Shenzhen. Facing the clear sky and shining stars, I made a wish and vow. May I encounter Rinpoche in this lifetime and ask him in person: How does reincarnation come about? Under the influence of my mother, I was a sort of Buddhist believer, but I refused to convert to Buddhism because of doubts about the origin of reincarnation and ignorance.
In early 2015, my family settled in Berkeley, California. On the morning of July 19 , a friend from Beijing told me that Rinpoche was giving a talk in Berkeley that very day. When I rushed into the hall at the last moment, Rinpoche was seated in the center of the stage. The theme of his talk was “Is There Buddhism Without Rebirth?” I couldn’t tell if my face was sweaty or teary. Three months later, I had taken the three refuges and stepped onto the Bodhisattva path.
2014年某一傍晚,我被台风困在上海机场,无聊之际走进一家书店。在一堆自我励志书中发现一本《正见》。作者宗萨钦哲仁波切开示让我醍醐灌顶。我阅遍此书,飞机已到深圳上空等待降落。面对繁星点缀清澈天空,我许下一愿立下一誓。愿此生让我偶遇仁波切,当面请教我的疑问:轮回如何产生?受我母亲的影响,我是一个所谓的信佛者 对于轮回和无明起源疑虑而拒绝皈依佛法。不像仁波切的许多追随者,我不愿刻意前往不丹或印度追遇仁波切。2015年初,我家搬至加州伯克利紧邻校园。7月19日一早远在北京的朋友电话告之仁波切在伯克利。最后时刻我冲进大厅时,仁波切座在舞台中央 。看着屏幕上演讲主题:没有来生的佛教存在吗?我分不清满脸是汗还是泪。三个月后我受了三皈,开始了我的菩萨之誓。
Annie serves as Khyentse Foundation’s Grants Manager. The role is an integral part of the foundation’s core mission, to support the study and practice of Buddhism. The GM position is fundamental to KF as a grant-offering organization. The GM acts as the main contact between KF and its beneficiaries, and oversees every aspect of the application, review, and funding of KF grants.
Annie has 15+ years in the technology web space with a focus on operations, strategy, and implementation. They grew up in NYC and graduated from University of Rochester with a double major in religion and economics. They have a strong connection to nature, especially to their friends in the forest, and especially the chickadees, chipmunks, and wild turkeys.
Deepak Thakur’s main role, as an independent consultant, is to work closely with Prashant Varma of Siddhartha’s Intent Society India (SISI), Uma Pitta of Khyentse Foundation India (KF), Pema Wangchuk in New Delhi, Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Institute (DKCLI), and any other work that Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche may assign to him. He is involved in advising and documentation for projects such as Rinpoche’s trust for property in Bir, for SISI, and Deer Park Institute. He has also interfaced with local government regarding land use, and was deeply involved in Kanishka School documentation and the selection of their principal.
Born in a village in H.P. in 1955, Depak studied in Bishop Cotton School, Shimla, from 1964 to 1973. He graduated with a B.A. (Hons) in Sociology from Hindu College, University of Delhi, in 1977 and earned an LL.B. degree from the Faculty of Law, University of Delhi, in 1980. He continued in his litigation practice as well, serving an array of international clients, and became a private litigator in 2002. He has served as secretary to a number of Rinpoches, and acted in an advisory capacity for others. While continuing to assist with the formation of trust and associations for many Rinpoches, including Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche III, Kalu Rinpoche, Mingyur Rinpoche, and HH Sakya Trizin Rinpoche, he continues to address cases in the High Courts in Delhi and Shimla, H.P.
I met Rinpoche in Delhi in early 2004. In 2009-2011, Raji Ramanan and I helped to run a meditation centre for Rinpoche. I also assisted Raji in hosting a programme called “What the Panditas and Yogis of India Brought from/ Took to Tibet” in 2009. The speakers included Steven Goodman, John Dunne, Jake Dalton, and Gene Smith.
Meanwhile, I continued to assist in various legal matters relating to rights for Rinpoche’s writing and films.