Yang Yang translates KF documents from Chinese into English.
One evening in 2014 I was trapped at the Shanghai airport by a typhoon. Extremely weary, I walked into a bookstore where I found What Makes You Not a Buddhist among the self-help books. By the time I finished the book, the plane was landing in Shenzhen. Facing the clear sky and shining stars, I made a wish and vow. May I encounter Rinpoche in this lifetime and ask him in person: How does reincarnation come about? Under the influence of my mother, I was a sort of Buddhist believer, but I refused to convert to Buddhism because of doubts about the origin of reincarnation and ignorance.
In early 2015, my family settled in Berkeley, California. On the morning of July 19 , a friend from Beijing told me that Rinpoche was giving a talk in Berkeley that very day. When I rushed into the hall at the last moment, Rinpoche was seated in the center of the stage. The theme of his talk was “Is There Buddhism Without Rebirth?” I couldn’t tell if my face was sweaty or teary. Three months later, I had taken the three refuges and stepped onto the Bodhisattva path.
2014年某一傍晚,我被台风困在上海机场,无聊之际走进一家书店。在一堆自我励志书中发现一本《正见》。作者宗萨钦哲仁波切开示让我醍醐灌顶。我阅遍此书,飞机已到深圳上空等待降落。面对繁星点缀清澈天空,我许下一愿立下一誓。愿此生让我偶遇仁波切,当面请教我的疑问:轮回如何产生?受我母亲的影响,我是一个所谓的信佛者 对于轮回和无明起源疑虑而拒绝皈依佛法。不像仁波切的许多追随者,我不愿刻意前往不丹或印度追遇仁波切。2015年初,我家搬至加州伯克利紧邻校园。7月19日一早远在北京的朋友电话告之仁波切在伯克利。最后时刻我冲进大厅时,仁波切座在舞台中央 。看着屏幕上演讲主题:没有来生的佛教存在吗?我分不清满脸是汗还是泪。三个月后我受了三皈,开始了我的菩萨之誓。