Children’s Book Less Meat More Love! Released

The children’s book Less Meat More Love!, based on the project of the same name, has recently been released and is available both in paperback and as an e-book. Written and illustrated by Alicja Zmigrodzka, the book is intended to spread awareness of the benefits and joys of eating less meat as a way of expressing love for animals and contributing to a more sustainable world.
In the story, a boy and his grandmother receive a surprise visit from a purple gorilla, who crashes his yellow, banana-shaped plane into a nearby tree. The boy and his granny end up flying around the planet with the gorilla, visiting many animal friends as well as freeing animals from farms and fish from nets. Less Meat More Love! is about friendship, courage, and compassion for other beings. The characters share ideas about protecting life, inviting readers to consider showing more love by eating less meat. Watch a 1-minute trailer here.
The Less Meat More Love (LMML) project and book were inspired by the teachings of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche. In this article, Rinpoche explains that for Buddhists, anything that helps create the causes and conditions for realizing the truth—our most important endeavor—is known as “merit.” Not harming beings and the practice of “life release,” where we free beings that would normally be killed for food, are among the most important ways of accumulating merit. Rinpoche explains that eating less meat is in fact an alternative form of life release. Additionally, it not only helps create the causes and conditions to practice kindness and compassion, it benefits both our own health and the Earth.

The LMML project amplified its message by placing advertisements and billboards in trains, stations, and airports across cities such as Singapore, Taipei, and Kathmandu. As well, a multilingual animation directed by Queena Li was shared on social media platforms.
The e-book Less Meat More Love! is available in both English and Chinese (simplified and traditional) and can be downloaded for a small donation. The paperback is available in English and in Vietnamese. All profits go to Khyentse Foundation.
For more information on the LMML project, visit the website or go to @lessmeatmorelove on Facebook or @lessmeatmore.love on Instagram.
Please help spread this important message by sharing it with friends and leaving a review of the book on Amazon.
All photos courtesy LMML.