Education for Children

Buddhist education helps prepare children to lead fulfilling and rewarding lives as adults, and to be examples of Buddhism in action for their communities. Khyentse Foundation believes that an education that values self-contemplation, decency, and caring for others and the environment will inspire children and their families to become leaders of a kinder, smarter, and more resilient world.

In addition to establishing Middle Way Education, an organization that offers curriculum development and resources to enhance contemporary education with traditional Buddhist wisdom, we support children’s schools such as Lhomon Education (Bhutan), the Kanishka School (India), the Middle Way School (USA), and the Blue Lion Preschool (Singapore).

We are all Buddhas, we just don't know it.

5-year-old student of Middle Way School

Good Human Beings

Self-awareness, courage, integrity, compassion, big-heartedness, kindness – these are just some of the fundamental characteristics that make someone a good human. By receiving creative, alternative, inquiry-based education, children have the opportunity to explore what it means to be good human beings and to learn how to become human beings who feel good about themselves.

Long View

Through education we can have a positive influence on the personal development and outlook of young people as they grow into adults. Our approach to education for children adopts the long view in two ways. We ask, “What kind of education builds confidence, empathy, and awareness of others and the world?” and “How can we inspire our children to see the big picture and have a global view?”


The next generation holds the key to the survival of Buddhism and its many lineages. By establishing schools, building a new model for education, and supporting other initiatives that inform children about Buddhist values, we are nurturing and supporting the future stakeholders of Buddha’s wisdom.