Cathy Wen

Cathy Wen

Cathy Wen

  • RepresentativesCanada Representative

As one of the KF County Representatives for Canada, Cathy Wen handles general enquires from local potential and existing sponsors and donors. She shares information regarding KF and its activities, looks after local donor-related work, and participates in KF activities during public teachings.

Cathy graduated from the University of British Columbia (Canada) with an MBA degree. She has over 30 years of professional experience in China, the United States, and Canada, serving three multinational corporations in various leadership roles. Her post-corporate career in the executive coaching field helped her gained deeper understanding about people’s sufferings of all kinds, despite their titles and achievements. Coupled with her own experience, this understanding motivates her in pursuing the path of Buddhadharma. She uses what she has learned from Rinpoche to help her clients and friends.

I met Rinpoche at the teaching at Hong Kong University in 2007. Since then, my life has changed profoundly. I am deeply grateful to have the opportunity to serve Rinpoche and the Dharma through Khyentse Foundation. I am committed to fulfilling my role as a country representative with dedication and right intention.