Prize for Outstanding Translation
Initiated in 2011, the Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation aims to encourage and honor excellence in translation works that make the Buddhist heritage accessible to a broader public. The US$8,000 prize is for translations from classical languages of Buddhism into English. The original text may be a sutra, commentary, treatise, biography, history, liturgy, or practice manual, from any tradition of Buddhism, published within the preceding 2 years. The translation may be by a single individual or a collaboration.

Trent Walker is assistant professor of Southeast Asian studies and Thai Professor of Theravada Buddhism in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan. A specialist […]

Professors Luis Gómez and Paul Harrison
"Vimalakīrtinirdeśa: The Teaching of Vimalakīrti, An English Translation of the Sanskrit Text Found in the Potala Palace, Lhasa "Professor Luis Gómez (1943–2017) A distinguished scholar of Buddhism, Luis Gómez passed away in Mexico City on September 3, 2017. At the time of his death, he was professor emeritus […]

Richard Salomon
"The Buddhist literature of Ancient Gandhāra: An Introduction with Selected Translations"Richard Salomon is Emeritus Professor of Asian Languages and Literature (Sanskrit) and William P. and Ruth Gerberding University Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington (Seattle WA, USA). He has […]

Dr. Karl Brunnhölzl
"First translation of a text on the Yogācāra School of Mahāyāna Buddhism"Dr. Brunnhölzl is a teacher, interpreter, and translator in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Originally trained as a medical doctor, he studied Tibetan language and Buddhist philosophy at the Marpa Institute […]

Andy Rotman
"Divine Stories: Divyāvadāna, Part 2"For the last 25 years, Andy Rotman has engaged in textual and ethnographic work on the role of narratives, images, and markets in South Asia and the religious, social, and […]

Dr. Anne MacDonald
"In Clear Words. The Prasannapadā, Chapter One. Vol. 1. Introduction, Manuscript Description, Sanskrit Text. Vol 2. Annotated Translation, Tibetan Text."Dr. MacDonald is a researcher at the Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, Austria. Her primary focus is the […]

Mark Blum
"The Nirvana Sutra (Mahaparinirvana-sutra), Volume I. Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai America, Inc. 2013 (BDK English Tripitaka Series)."Professor Mark Blum has been awarded the 2015 Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation. Professor Blum holds the Shinjo Ito Distinguished Chair in Japanese Studies, Department of East Asian Languages […]

Professor Mark Siderits and Professor Shōryū Katsura
"Co-translation of Nāgārjuna’s Middle Way: Mūlamadhyamakakārikā."Professor Mark Siderits and Professor Shōryū Katsura were awarded the 2014 Prize for Outstanding Translation at the International Association for Buddhist Studies 17th Congress at the University of Vienna in […]

Venerable Bikkhu Bodhi
"The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Complete Translation of the Anguttara Nikaya."Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi was awarded the 2013 Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation for publication of The Numerical Discourses of the Buddha: A Translation of the Aṅguttara Nikāya (Boston: Wisdom […]

Todd Lewis and Subarna Man Tuladar
"Co-translation of Chittadhar Hridaya’s Sugata Saurabha: An Epic Poem from Nepal on the Life of the Buddha."Professor Todd Lewis of College of the Holy Cross (Worchester, Massachusetts) and Subarna Man Tuladar of Nepal Bhasa Institute received the first Khyentse Foundation Prize for Outstanding Translation for his […]