

凱瑟琳‧道爾敦(Catherine Dalton) 博士
2024年10 月25日
作者為 maryann

拉塔迪歐卡(Lata Deokar ) 博士
2024年8 月24日
作者為 maryann

2024年8 月14日
作者為 maryann

2024年4 月20日
作者為 maryann

2024年2 月24日
作者為 maryann
本次講座將借助最後一部吐蕃時期的藏譯佛典經錄《旁塘目錄(dkar chag ’phang thang ma)》的內容,探討最早的藏文大藏經的形成和內容。

2024年1 月20日
作者為 maryann
本次演講將帶領大家參觀這些寺廟並說明佛教與汗國 之間存在著促使制度化佛教在蒙古領土上擴散的相互作用,這些過程影響了統一的蒙古國的解體。

2023年11 月11日
作者為 maryann

2023年7 月15日
作者為 maryann

2023年5 月13日
作者為 maryann

Dr. Gareth Sparham
A Brief History of, and Introduction to, the Śatasāhasrikāprajñāpāramitā (“The Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines”)
2023年4 月22日
作者為 maryann
“The Perfection of Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines” is a colossal scripture. Probably the longest sacred book in existence, it comprises 12 volumes running to nearly 10,000 pages.

Professor Sheng-Hsin Hsu
National Taiwan UniversityZhuangzi and Zen
2023年3 月18日
作者為 maryann
The interpretation of some Zen masters’ verses and their analogy with Zhuangzi’s thought. (Lecture in Chinese)

Professor Seiji Kumagai
Kyoto UniversityThe Past, Present, and Future of Buddhism and Buddhology in Japan
2023年2 月18日
作者為 maryann
This talk will explore the history and current state of Buddhism and Buddhology in Japan, with an eye toward what they might aspire to become in the future.

Dr. Trent Walker and Dr. Anand Venkatkrishnan
Stanford University and University of ChicagoSinging the Dharma in Cambodia: A Conversation on Until Nirvana’s Time
2023年1 月14日
作者為 maryann
This event brings Anand Venkatkrishnan, assistant professor of the history of religion in South Asia at the University of Chicago, into dialogue with Trent Walker, postdoctoral fellow of the Ho Center for Buddhist Studies at Stanford University.

Professor Mark Allon
University of SydneyBuddhism in Ancient Gandhara and Recent Manuscript Discoveries
2022年10 月22日
作者為 maryann
Several major collections of Buddhist manuscripts from ancient Gandhara (present day northern Pakistan and eastern Afghanistan) have come to light over the past three decades.

Professor Paul Harrison
Stanford UniversityWhat Can We Learn From the Teaching of Vimalakīrti?
2022年9 月27日
作者為 maryann
This talk takes as its point of departure a recently published English rendition of one of the most celebrated of all Mahāyāna sūtras, The Teaching of Vimalakīrti.

Professor Saerji
Peking UniversityThe Formation of the Tibetan Buddhist Canon and its Textual Value (Lecture in Chinese)
2022年8 月6日
作者為 maryann
This lecture aims to explore the history of the translation and integration of Tibetan-translated Buddhist scriptures from both diachronic and synchronic perspectives.* Lecture is in Chinese

Professor Friedrich Grohmann
Fo Guang UniversityWho can be rightly called a Bodhisattva?
2022年6 月25日
作者為 maryann

Professor Jens-Uwe Hartmann
University of MunichOut of Town, yet Bound to it: How the Early Buddhists Organized Seclusion and Survival
2022年5 月28日
作者為 maryann
In a way, early Buddhism can even be viewed as a reaction to this urbanization.

Venerable Professor K.L. Dhammajoti
Buddha Dharma Centre of Hong KongMaster Xuanzang’s Contribution to Modern Buddhist Studies | 玄奘大师对现代佛学研究的贡献
2022年4 月30日
作者為 maryann

Dr. Naomi Appleton
University of EdinburghNarrative Buddhology: Explorations of Indian Buddhist Literature
2022年3 月19日
作者為 maryann
Indian Buddhist texts contain a complex fabric of narratives interweaving the Buddha’s past lives, his final life, his encounters with others and their past-life encounters with other buddhas.

Professor Eviatar Shulman
The Hebrew University of JerusalemOn Creating the Early Discourses (Suttas) of the Buddha
2022年2 月10日
作者為 maryann
In this talk we will inquire into some of the motivations and methods behind the shaping of the early discourses, in order to obtain an improved understanding of the nature of the early Buddhist tradition.

Professor Anne C. Klein (Rigzin Drolma)
Rice UniversityBeing Human and a Buddha Too: Dialogues with Yeshe Tsogyal
2022年1 月15日
作者為 maryann
Sādhanas capture with utmost economy the essence of Buddhist logic and mythos, philosophy and poetics, sounding and silence.

Professor Peter Skilling (Bhadra Rujirathat)
Chulalongkorn UniversityThe Universe of Buddhist Canons
2021年12 月11日
作者為 maryann
There is no agreement on the definition or range of the term ‘Buddhist canon’ or ‘Buddhist canons’—to the point that we may speak of a "loose canonicity."

Professor Imre Hamar
Eötvös Loránd UniversityThe Role of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva in Buddhist Practice
2021年11 月13日
作者為 maryann

Professor Sarah H. Jacoby
Northwestern UniversityThe Relatable and Extraordinary Life of Sera Khandro Dewé Dorjé
2021年10 月21日
作者為 maryann
In this talk I will share some tastes of a project I am currently immersed in to translate the richness of both the relatable and extraordinary elements of Sera Khandro’s writing from Tibetan into English.

Professor Jacob Dalton
University of California, BerkeleyTibetan Tantra at Dunhuang
2021年9 月24日
作者為 maryann
After a brief introduction to the Dunhuang collection in general, this lecture considers what these ancient treasures tell us about the early Tibetan assimilation of tantric Buddhism in particular, from the late eighth to the late tenth centuries.

Professor Dorji Wangchuk
Univsersity of HamburgWhen Can Buddhism Be Considered Dead and When Living?
2021年8 月19日
作者為 maryann
In this talk, I wish to reflect, from an emic perspective, on what would characterize the life and vitality of Buddhism, and when can it be considered dead and when living.

Professor Shrikant Bahulkar
Savitribai Phule Pune UniversityVedism and Buddhism
2021年7 月31日
作者為 maryann

Professor Donald S. Lopez, Jr.
University of MichiganReason and Revelation in Buddhism
2021年6 月12日
作者為 maryann