Joanne Liao
Joanne Liao

Joanne Liao
- TranslationChinese Translator
Joanne joined KF as a message translator when the foundation was established in Taiwan. She works with 84000 as well. It is a blessing to be part of the team—she says, “What I have received is far more than I have done.”
Joanne is a statistician with 20 years’ working experience in Taiwan and the United States. She relocated to Shanghai 12 years ago, mainly to focus on consumer behaviors.
It was the greatest blessing to meet Rinpoche by surprise in the airport in 1999. I barely knew him at that time. He was having breakfast in the airport café with a few disciples. I don’t know why I had the courage to sit down with them. It must be the glory of wisdom emitted from Rinpoche that inspired me at that moment. I followed him to the gate and said “Rinpoche, please come back soon.” With that magic connection, I have followed Rinpoche’s teachings ever since. Without Rinpoche’s blessings, I would never have had a chance to know that there is a path to enlightenment.