Lynn Hoberg

Lynn Hoberg

Lynn Hoberg

  • Board Of DirectorsBoard Member
  • Executive CommitteeCommittee Member
  • OfficersExecutive Director
  • Donor RelationsTeam Member

Lynn first volunteered for Khyentse Foundation in 2007. She later became the administration director, overseeing the foundation’s operations and volunteer coordination. In 2024, she stepped into the role of executive director, taking over from retiring director Cangioli Che. Lynn is a member of the board of directors as well as the Executive Committee, and is involved with most of the working committees.

Lynn has a BA in Philosophy from Clark University in Worcester Massachusetts, and in 2001 she received a master’s degree in Asian and Comparative Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies.

I have been a student of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche since 2004.