Mattia Salvini

Mattia Salvini

Mattia Salvini

  • Academic Development CommitteeCommittee Member

Dr. Salvini is a member of the Academic Development Committee, whose main responsibility is to evaluate grant applications that include academically relevant content. Through discussion, committee members determine which applications best fit with the overall vision of Khyentse Foundation, often considering the increasingly active interface between academia and the broader Buddhist community.

After receiving a BA and MA in Sanskrit at RKM Vivekānanda College, Chennai (India), Dr. Salvini obtained a PhD from SOAS (UK). While working on his PhD, he began teaching, first at Rangjung Yeshe Institute (Nepal) and then at the International Buddhist College (Thailand). He then worked for Mahidol University (Thailand), coming back to the International Buddhist College in 2019. His academic writing focuses on Madhyamaka, and on the connections between Buddhist philosophy and different areas of Sanskrit learning.

While in India studying for my BA and MA, I learnt the basics of the Dharma from my dear classmate, Somsak Paryatyaporn, who at the time was a fully ordained Bhikkhu. Then, thanks to Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, I had the opportunity to meet and study with Prof. Rāṁśaṅkar Tripāṭhī in Sarnath. I received teachings primarily from Tibetan Lamas, in India, Nepal, and Thailand: Ayang Rinpoche, Lama Gelong Tsultrim Gyaltsen, Lama Rinchen Phuntsok, and others, from different lineages. In particular, Lama Gelong Tsultrim Gyaltsen helped me integrate Sanskrit learning and personal practice and, relying on his kindness and advice, I now try my best to share materials for those who wish to study and practice Buddhism in Sanskrit.