Pat Hanna
Pat Hanna

Pat Hanna
- Grants Management and SupportBeneficiary Coordinator
Pat has volunteered as a beneficiary coordinator since 2006. In this role she is a liaison between Khyentse Foundation and grant awardees for the term of their grant—and often beyond. She also produces grant agreements, arranges for the transfer of funds, and requests and archives the annual reports regarding grant-funded activities.
Pat was raised on the Canadian prairies but was drawn to the West Coast as if by magic as well as by love. With a degree in anthropology, qualification as a rehabilitation consultant, and training in archival administration, she has enjoyed a diverse career, including managing a forensic clinical practice and organizing the records of an international company. Pat divides her time between Vancouver and her cabin in the woods, where she and her husband watch the deer play, listen to the owls hooting, catch and release the mice, and dream of becoming crazy-wise cat people.
With immense gratitude, in 2005 I was accepted as a student by DJKR. Since then, I have attended and volunteered at various teachings and retreats, and several times I have been honoured to serve Rinpoche at these events.