Eager to know more about this amazing teacher and hear his recommendations as an important player in Khyentse Foundation’s future, we sat down with Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche at SSRC and spoke with him about his training as a Buddhist teacher and his new life in the West.

The Making of a Buddhist Teacher
October 25, 2023
By maryann
Drubgyud Tenzin Rinpoche, one of the brightest young tulkus under the direct tutelage of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche (Khyentse Rinpoche), is now a celebrated scholar and Buddhist teacher.

Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Institute and the Precious Drubthab Kuntu Empowerments and Teachings
November 21, 2022
By Alicja Żmigrodzka
Support for monastic institutions was the original impetus for the formation of Khyentse Foundation, and it remains the core of KF’s mission to preserve Buddhist heritage and promote the Buddha’s wisdom.

Walking the Bodhisattva Path
January 5, 2021
By maryann
In 2005, Venerable embarked on another important mission: to seek common ground with other Buddhist traditions and collaborate with them to uplift the training and education of monks from various countries in Asia.

Passing Of A Great Lama
June 1, 2008
By bain
Khenpo Kunga Wangchuk devoted his life to making sure that the legacy of Dzongsar Institute continues. Khenpo passed away in Bir, India, on May 26, 2008.

HH Sakya Trizin and HH Karmapa Visit DKCLI
June 1, 2008
By bain
On the occasion of its 25th Anniversary, Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Institute is hosting HH Sakya Trizin, the head of the Sakya School, for a historic transmission of the precious teachings of Lamdre Lobshey.

Revitalizing Higher Buddhist Studies
April 6, 2008
By bain
Watch a video about Khenpo Kunga Wangchuck who devoted his life to making sure that the legacy of Dzongsar Institute continues.

Taiwan Group Expands Services To Chauntra Institute
January 21, 2008
By bain
A group of medical volunteers, under the auspices of the Choskyi Jungne Buddhist Center in Taiwan, made their second visit of the year to the Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Institute in Chauntra, India in late summer.

Monks Continue English Program At DKCL Institute
January 21, 2008
By bain
The students in the Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Institute English classes are coming to the end of their second year in the programme.

Dzongsar Institute
July 13, 2006
By bain
In March 2006, with the guidance and encouragement of Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö Institute in Chauntra, India, formed a management committee that is responsible for the administration and development of the Institute.

Pema Maya’s Journal
July 13, 2006
By bain
Pema Maya, a student of Rinpoche's from New Zealand, set up the first formal English program at Dzongsar Institute in Chauntra in 2006.

Inauguration of Chökyi Lodrö College of Dialectics
December 21, 2005
By bain
View a slide show of But-sou Lai's photos of the 2004 inauguration of the Chökyi Lodrö College of Dialectics.