Khyentse Foundation’s 2023 Annual Report

The Future of the Buddhadharma and Passing the Torch at KF

“So basically what I’m saying is, when we are talking about the future of Buddhism, I think we should also be aware of how people are migrating and to where. For instance, I’m going to New York in a few weeks, and there are a lot of Bhutanese there, … a lot of Himalayan people [who] migrated there, most likely. So should we, Khyentse Founda­tion, have Sunday schools there for these people, who probably are there for economic reasons, not because of anything else? And when they go there I’m sure they also have this insecurity of losing their identity, and a big part of this identity is, for them, buddhadharma. But there is no facility, so should we step in? …”

The Future of the Buddhadharma

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche stresses the importance of preserving and revitalizing the dharma among traditionally Buddhist communities, whether at home or elsewhere. Can Khyentse Foundation assist in this effort in order to help the buddhadharma survive? Read excerpts from Rinpoche’s address at the KF annual board meeting in our 2023 annual report.

Read the Annual Report

Passing the Torch at Khyentse Foundation

Former executive director Cangioli Che shares some insights and discusses KF’s recent “change of guard,” intended to strengthen the foundation and ensure its growth and development.

The Year in Pictures

See images highlighting our range of activities in 2023, from school and education programs to core projects in text preservation, revitalization of Buddhist traditions, and academia.


Translation is one of KF’s core activities. Our support for translation includes incubating and managing translation efforts, initiating and maintaining translator-training programs, and offering awards, grants, and scholarships. In our 2023 annual report we explore two exciting translation initiatives: the Kumarajiva Project, dedicated to making the entire Tibetan Buddhist canon available in Chinese, and Khyentse Vision Project, committed to being the hub for the teachings of the Khyentse lineage masters.

What a Difference a Year Makes …

“The year 2023 started with recession fears being the consensus forecast from most economists and market strategists. The recession never happened, and the year shaped up to be a very good one for the economy and the markets.” See our financial summary and read our Investment Committee’s report.

“Thank you for your continuing dedication, time, energy, ideas, hard work, and good wishes.” — Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche