Signature Goal Met, Conference Ends On High Note

THANK YOU to all who signed the thank you letter to the translators. Nearly 12,000 people signed the note. On the closing day, the group presented the conference resolutions to H.H. Dalai Lama, and requested blessings for The Buddhist Literary Heritage Project. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche offered his gratitude to all the participants, organizers and to the conference sponsor, Wayne Tisdale. Rinpoche stressed that it will definitely not be the case that any portion of this work will be ‘owned’ in any way by this group, as “The Words of the Buddha have no owner, they belong to everyone.” Rinpoche stated that “The fundamental policy of our group will be, and has to be, the policy of bodhicitta.” Finally, Rinpoche requested everyone to pray that he may carry out his portion of the work.