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Offering Buddha’s wisdom in many languages. Read more about our impact on translation projects.

In 2022, Munkhzul Koski received a KF Ashoka grant to translate the first section of the Treasury of Precious Qualities by the renowned Nyingma master Jigme Lingpa, together with its commentary by Kangyur Rinpoche, into modern Mongolian.

Translating for Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche
June 4, 2024
By maryann
With Khyentse Foundation sponsorship, Gyurmé Avertin translates orally for the revered Nyingma lama Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche and is striving to making Rinpoche’s teachings available in English.

KF 2024 Prize for Outstanding Translation
March 6, 2024
By maryann
Trent Walker is assistant professor of Southeast Asian studies and Thai Professor of Theravada Buddhism in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan.

Aspiration is the King
February 5, 2024
By maryann
“Many dharma friends ask us why Rinpoche wants to translate Tibetan texts into Chinese when the Chinese canon is already so rich. In fact, we realized that nearly 90 percent of the Mahayana treatises and tantric texts had not been translated into Chinese, which is a great pity.”

Khyentse Vision Project Launches Its Reading Room and Publishes 108 Translations
January 12, 2024
By maryann
The reading room is the fruit of years of work by the project’s tech, translation, and editorial teams.

A Journey to Connect with Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
March 7, 2023
By maryann
Khyentse Vision Project, a major translation initiative under Khyentse Foundation, was officially launched in July 2020 on the 200th birth anniversary of the First Khyentse, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820–92).

A Chinese New Year Offering from the Kumarajiva Project
January 15, 2023
By Alicja Żmigrodzka
In addition to the new sutra collection, the Kumarajiva Project has produced 20 audiobooks in modern Chinese.

A Genuine Dharma Practitioner
August 6, 2022
By bain
Erik Pema Kunsang, the renowned translator and dharma teacher, has been awarded the Khyentse Foundation Fellowship—the highest honor that the foundation grants an individual.

Translating the Wisdom Words of the First Great Khyentse, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
March 5, 2022
By maryann
KVP has brought together a strong core team of professional translators from around the globe, experienced editors, and an expert tech team.

Chinese New Year Celebrating Translation
January 19, 2022
By maryann
Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche encourages the recitation of the Dependent Arising Dharani during the new year with the aspiration “to be healthy, wealthy, and happy so that we can make others healthy, wealthy, and happy.”

Clarifying The Confusion
July 31, 2009
By bain
Khyentse Foundation grant recipient Dr. Alexander Berzin is the driving force behind the Berzin Archives.

A Spiritual Autobiography Brought To Light
July 31, 2009
By bain
The aim of this project is to present to the English-speaking world a translation of the astonishing spiritual autobiography of one of the greatest Nyingma masters in recent history, Kathok Khenpo Ngawang Palzang (1879-1941).